World Viewz


"Going Within" Process

Hello, I am Akbal. Thank you for taking time to communicate today. We welcome your interest and desire to learn more about our ways and your interest in integrating this information into your daily routines.

All of the Day Keepers have many aspects of energy that we work with. Today we will focus on the “Going Within” process. Please take a few moments to quiet your inner and outer worlds so that you can focus more deeply.

If you choose, take time to notice belief codes or old structures that no longer serve you. This sometimes takes courage to do. What we are doing is looking into the ‘dark” spaces, the “abysses” in your inner sanctum.

Many times we are confronted with words from others or assumptions created in our own minds that lead us to make specific life choices. For example, you dislike wearing green clothing, but someone makes a comment to you that you look really nice in the green shirt you are wearing. And so, you go out and buy several more green items of clothing. These become the apparel you wear the most. Then later, someone asks you why you wear so much green clothing, you look so much better in blue (which has always been your favorite color to wear).

You are now presented with an opportunity for growth. You have instilled within yourself a belief code that you look good in green. Another says you look better in blue. You must go within yourself and look at why you didn’t like to wear green in the first place. Is it because someone had once told you that green isn't “your color?" Perhaps you got more compliments when you wore other colors? Perhaps you were forced to wear green as a school uniform? Maybe you simply feel better wearing a different color?

Next, you would be wise to go back to the setting where you were told you looked good in green. Why did you make your choice to buy more green clothes? Did you think you looked better in green? Was it to please the other? Did you trust your own intuition that you don’t look as well in green? Perhaps the other person was just trying to be nice and complimented you for wearing their favorite color?

Then, go to the setting where you were told you looked better in blue. Can you objectively sit back and decide what colors you feel better wearing? Perhaps you realize it depends on the fabric and style of an article of clothing rather than the color. What do you choose to do? The mature person will take a good look at their clothing and decide; piece by piece which clothes makes them feel good. This is part of the nature of feng shui. Rather than being swayed by others’ opinions, you remain steadfast in what your preferences are. This is how we build belief codes.

Not all belief codes can be traced back to the moment of inception. This could be a time and energy consuming ordeal. What is asked of you today can be applied to any belief code you have chosen.

Simply quiet your inner and outer world. Take a look at any aspect of your life: your spiritual and religious beliefs, why you bake only in a specific pan, items in your house that you never use, your choice of friends, how you relate to family members, etc. Choose one and look at it deeply. Feel the emotions that arise. If they are pleasant, feel gratitude for them. If they cause uneasiness or any “negative” feelings, look deeper.

Why do you follow a specific church doctrine? Why do you believe what you believe? Why don’t you bake in other pans? Why do you have those household items that you never use? Why do you hang out with that person whom you feel uncomfortable with? Why do you allow a family member to treat you disrespectfully?

These are belief codes. By calling on me, you can use the energy of Akbal to go deep into yourself and objectively discover and change those codes that no longer serve you. Choose one now. Breathe deeply and ask for guidance. Look at the parts that don’t fit, that hold you back, and that cause fear and anxiety. If it helps you to move forward, consider what would be the worst that would happen if you changed that particular belief code. Then by whatever means works for you: listing, praying, setting an intention, etc.; note the steps that lead you into a release of that paradigm and take the first step towards your new intention.

For example, let us go back to the green clothing. As you reflect back, you don’t know why you never liked wearing green, you just didn’t (many times these issues actually come from past lives). Then when you were told you looked good in green, you decided to buy more green clothes. You realize that at the time, you had low self-esteem and you trusted the other person’s judgment. For whatever reason, you went out and purchased more green items of clothing.

Today is a new day, by asking for guidance from Akbal and your Higher Self, as objectively as possible, go within and pay attention to how you feel when you wear each specific item of green clothing. If indeed, you discover that you still don’t like to wear green, then you can wear or purchase whatever colored items you prefer. Perhaps you discover you feel good in two specific green items, but none of the others. From then on, you wear only what colors make you feel attractive or which make you feel comfortable. No matter what opinions others make in the future about your choice of clothing colors, you choose to wear what you feel good in. Then you have successfully changed a belief code based on your truth.

I do want to remind you that belief codes do change from time to time as you develop understanding in various realms of your life. It is wise to always be open to others' insights and to take time to reflect on new information that comes your way. Close-minded people have no ability to change a belief code; they shut down any chance for growth in that particular arena.

Now we will go to today's date. This is the 34th day of the Tzolkin calendar, Akbal 10. The energy of 10 has many aspects. What we will look at today is 5+5. The first 5 is the fullness of being a conscious human, the second 5 is the fullness of spirituality as it applies to you, now, in human form. In essence, the second 5 represents a full connection with your “Higher Self.”

When you combine these two forces, conscious living and a conscious connection with your spiritual guidance, all things are possible! We call this a day of manifestation. Combining this with the energy of Akbal, this is what can occur. Focus on a belief code that no longer serves you. What is something in your life or about yourself that you would like to change? What steps do you need to make this change?

Manifestation occurs when a human intentionally declares and focuses on something they want. Many times this is best done by stating it out loud, writing it down, creating a ceremony, staring at a candle, whatever means it takes to stay focused. Be very clear on your desire and create passion, for passion is the energy of the emotion that fuels the process.

For example, you know ice cream makes your sinuses clog up. So, you think to yourself, I really should break this addiction I have of eating ice cream. If that is as far as you go, your addiction will remain. In fact, it is likely to intensify because now ice cream is on your mind.

However, if you seriously are ready to stop eating ice cream because you want to be healthier, this is one way to go about releasing the addiction. Go to a quiet place and light a candle. While staring at the candle, release other thoughts of the day. Visualize yourself as healthy, feeling vibrant and full of energy. See a bowl of your favorite ice cream dessert. Look again at yourself being vibrant; from that place make a choice. Say “no” to the ice cream and choose some other yummy treat for your palate.

You may want to also add other ways to help such as affirmations placed where you will see them, always stating them in the positive of what you want, such as “I choose only healthy desserts.” Instead of the negative, “I will not eat ice cream.” Another way is to create a “vision board” where you place photos or text messages of what you want in your life. Perhaps you will select a photo of you at your best or a model that represents health and vigor. Maybe you could add photos of other desserts that are healthier.

The goal is to remind yourself and to empower yourself so that it will be easier for you to say “no” to ice cream in the future. Much of your success is built on your desire and emotional state. If you feel like a victim, “Woe is me, I can never eat ice cream again.” If you share with your friends that you can’t eat ice cream again and fall into their belief code that indeed, “How sad that you can no longer eat ice cream.” you will probably never change this habit.

Manifestation occurs when your emotions are strong and when your intentions are stated clearly.

It is your responsibility to stay positive and focused. It is your responsibility to take the necessary steps to create the desired outcome. Many times what we want doesn’t appear in the manner we anticipate. It is your responsibility to pay attention to the “coincidences” and “synchronicities” that present themselves to you.

With today’s energy of Akbal 10, you are offered a chance to look at those issues inside yourself that no longer serve you and to manifest what you would prefer. Perhaps you'll choose a bowl of green soy yogurt? (Only kidding.) Go forth and make this a powerful day of manifestation!

Selamet! Akbal 10

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