World Viewz

Paimarire(Good Peace) to my all my brothers and sisters of our beautiful world whanau(family) Blessings and Salutations to you all, on behalf of our Waitaha Matriarchs, and a very Special Aroha to all our whanau, at this time, who are bereaved by the passing over of 'dear ones', into the realm of our 'Larger Whanau'! With love and deep appreciation, we helped welcome our whanau, 'The Core Team,(people representing many countries), of The World March For Peace and Nonviolence;' to our land! Isnt this a very beautiful time in our existence, for each of us to 'walk our talk',,,using our special unique gifts; to fulfill our heart's desire, each in our own special way; to fulfill the 'Dream of the Ancestors'! I was so honoured to be present at the Statue of Ghandi,,,Oct 2(his birthday); wherein the 'World March for Peace and Nonviolence, officially begun! However, spiritually, it all started from the Heavens, inspiring those involved; who also received a beautiful blessing from Mori Ori on Rekohu several days before! Wherein began the "Jump Start" of the "Rainbow Prophecy",,,foretold by many Indigenous Peoples,,,that "One day the Children of the Rainbow Shall Come Together in Peace and Love" to bring about the "One Love,,,One Heart"! They,,are travelling through 90 Countries,,, in 90 days; and may we all open our hearts and doors to them as they do this special work, for us all! Isnt, this a noble cause, for us all to focus our 'good intent' on,,,and even to just follow them via the net,,as they journey from one country to another; is another way to awhi(assist), them! Our World is certainly getting smaller and smaller, and this heightened energy on the planet right now, is just perfect for us to link our minds and hearts, to achieve the glorious end result of Peace on Earth as it is in Heaven! Isnt this, our greatest mission and purpose, to help bring about the One Love,,,One Heart,,, that our Ancient Ones have dreamed of!!! We know it,, and So It Is!!! Paimarire...Blessings to all 'Warriors of Peace and Light'...'Today Is A Good Day To Live'! Kereru!

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will be following this closely and giving my blessings to all those who have the great fortune to participate physically. I shall certainly be there in spirit. If all of our energies can be channeled, it would be wonderful to come closer to peace on this earth!


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