World Viewz

Mayan Message Day 22 IK 9

Turning Negatives into Positives

Good morning, I am Ik. As a continuation of Imix 8, I am here to guide you further in the evolution of your remembrance of your full spiritual essence. As the "2nd" Day Keeper in the cycle, we are here to look at polarity. Some view the polarity as dark vs. light, one being higher, better or positive. I am here to suggest to you that both are equal in importance. Both the "shadow" and the "light" have a purpose; it is only the human perspective that makes one judge them as having a different value.

As you mature in your understanding of how the reality on earth is different from where you came, you will understand more of what I speak.

I would ask the reader to choose one project, "problem" or insight to look deeper into this day. I suggest choosing one example on your "to do" list and simply ponder all sides of the issue.

Many times, you will find parts that are distasteful, perhaps it is a problem you wish would go away, maybe the project is too large and feels overwhelming. I encourage you to look at all aspects in such a way as to see the blessing in each. By developing this skill, you will quickly begin to see that there is value in all polarity.

Note the "pros" (positives) and "cons" (negatives) of this event, perhaps listing them on paper. For most people, the parts labeled as "positive" are easy, so we will not spend much time there.

What is more challenging is to appreciate and feel gratitude for the "negative" side of events. Look at some of the items on your "cons" list. Then look at how you can approach each in such a way that they can be placed on your "pro" list.

Perhaps this project entails a lot of hard, physical work. If this is on your "con" side, revisit the idea and consider it a great exercise program to strengthen your muscles. Perhaps now it can be moved to you "pros" list?

Look closely at the "cons" to determine how many are simply excuses. Perhaps some are fear-based, in which case they could become wonderful exercises to help move you beyond your fear and open horizons to new belief codes.

When you get past the "negative" issues on your "cons" list, you will find that you look forward to your tasks at hand. Allow yourself to feel a sense of adventure, even in mundane chores such as washing dishes and cleaning up after yourself. By finding joy in everything you do, soon you will realize that all of life including each person, place and event you experience is filled with joy, peace and happiness. This is the Path to Mastery of Self.

I hope that this time together has encouraged you to look past the "shadow" aspects of your day and to clearly see how you can work towards making those things in your life that are unpleasant into beautiful works of creation. By doing so, you will be rewarded with a more fulfilling life while on earth.

Go forth and prosper! Ik 9

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