World Viewz


December is such a busy time for many, with so many important cultural dates. I hope that you find time to relax and spend time with those you love and to nurture your Self!

I've added quite a bit of information on our web site.

If you are not familiar with the importance of a balanced pH to avoid and remedy illnesses, including cancer and chronic fatigue, I highly suggest you visit this page. You will also find a one page printable pH food chart that you can download for free. I have also added quite a bit of information on our "Diet" page. You can easily access either on our "Healthy Living" page.

Every page on the website now has a Search button on the top left where you can type in whatever word you are looking for on the site and it will pull up those pages for you. Blessings to computer programmers for making this so easy!

And now, on to this week's Message. Enjoy!

In peace, Theresa


Planting Your Inner Garden

I am Kan and I send you greetings on this grand and glorious day. Today we will embark on a journey inward, to the place where ideas and dreams are seeded. These are created first by the mind and then with conscious intention. For anything to become a reality in your personal life, you must first know it as a possibility. Then among the myriad of possibilities, you may choose those that you would like to incorporate into your life.

We will use the an analogy of a garden. In order to create a garden, you must first have a basic idea of what a garden is. Gardens are of human creation, nature does not plant gardens, as such, unless you choose to look at the entire surface of the earth as one garden.

Now, you have seen gardens and decided you would like to create one in your space. What do you want to put into your garden: fruits, veggies, herbs, flowers? How will you decide what to put in your garden: see what others are growing, deciding what foods you like to eat, browsing seed catalogs?

After you have chosen what you would like to grow, it is time to choose the seeds you will plant. You will also need to know what steps are needed to allow the seeds to grow and mature. These include issues such as soil temperature, irrigation needs, sunlight and fertilizer.

Creating anything in your life follows the same pattern. The energy of Kan is always available to help you with your conscious creations. You can view my energy as the seed. It is up to you to choose which seed and the amount of nurturance or attention you will give that seed.

Do you understand the implications of which I speak? The fulfillment of your goals and dreams are in your hands. There are many spirit beings on the other side waiting to help you with these desires but you must first choose what you desire, then ask for assistance.

We will now move onto Tun 11. There are many ways to view the energy of this Tun. Today we will look at it this way: 5+5+1=11. The first 5 is symbolic of being a fully conscious human. This means that you are consciously working towards being a kind person and aware that you are a spirit being having a human experience.

The second 5 is symbolic of the part of your spiritual essence that is consciously working with the human aspect of you, your Higher Self. Then we add in the additional ingredient of the power of “1” which we will view as the spirit of unity or one-ness, wholeness, complete unto itself.

Take a moment to feel connected with your Higher Self and feel the power of being One with All. This is a daily practice, difficult for most since you live in a world created to experience separation. However, the veils are thinning rapidly. Take time each day to sit by a tree, a flower or an animal and focus on their energy. With practice, you will experience a connection on a deep and indescribable level.

What Kan 11 offers to you on this day (and any other day that you call on us) is an opportunity to choose a seed and nurture it by becoming one with it. I will give a simple analogy for your better understanding.

Choose one thing you would like to change in your life. This could be to find solutions to a problem, more abundance (which doesn’t always mean money), or perhaps a change in your behavior. I will state here that you do not have the power nor the authority to ask for any other person to change their behavior, it is against the law of free will.

Let’s say you have a habit of talking about people behind their back. You know that gossip is not good and have suffered when others find out what you have said about them. You can be assured that they always will know when you speak ill of them, even if it is solely on an intuition level.

How can the energies of Kan 11 help you change this behavior? You have chosen the seed: eliminating gossip. You must now choose how much nurturance and attention you want to give this seed. These steps are necessary to take the seed to full development. By tuning into Kan 11 and asking for guidance, we might suggest the following “garden” advice.

With the energy of 11, we would suggest that you take time with your Higher Self to look at the reasons you gossip. In most cases, it goes back to belief codes related to low self-esteem. This may be your real issue. Like dominoes, if you break the pattern of the original code, other behaviors will no longer be appropriate or needed and will simply fall away.

Having done that (which may take some time, depending on your level of courage and desire), call in the energy of Unity. For this exercise, you may want to look at one specific person that you tend to gossip about on a more regular basis. Become one with that person, beyond his physical self and recognize that he is a spirit being, very much equal to your spirit essence. This may take some practice, but well worth the effort if compassion and unconditional love are your goals.

Many times, when you set aside your judgments and opinions and truly tap into the Oneness and Unity of the other, you will understand why this person “pushes your buttons” and why this person is a rung to help you climb your “self-esteem” ladder.

It is only through a thorough understanding of One and Connectedness, within yourself and with all other living forms on earth, that you will truly break through the gossip habit.

Try it, you’ll like it! Take time to choose your seed and use the power of 11 to create the reality that you choose for this day. Call on me for assistance, if you so desire and I will be there by your side to assist you.

Selamet! Kan 11

You are encouraged to share this message with anyone you feel may be interested. Please include the following email address so that anyone who is interested in obtaining more information on the Mayan Tzolk’in Calendar is able to do so.
On the website, you will also find information and articles related to health, emotional well-being, self-empowerment and organic gardening. We also offer all 260 of the Mayan Messages as an eBook for a nominal donation of $15.00 to help support our work.
Many blessings! Theresa Crabtree

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