World Viewz


Changing Habits Using Positive Intentions

Greetings, I am Chicchan, the serpent. Today is a day of transformation, a shedding of old ideas and belief structures that no longer serve you. Tun 12 is a day to view yourself in your full human capacity, fully connected with the guidance of you Higher Self. To this mixture, we add the power of two, which is representative of polarity, duality, or opposing forces. (5+5+2=12)

Take a few moments to quiet your inner and outer world. Take several deep breaths in and out until you are able to relax your muscles and let the weight of the world slip away.

Surely, there is something in your life that you would like to change or create. Search for something weighing on your heart. It must be something in yourself, not another, for we do not work on others against their will or without their permission. This time is for you.

Twelve creates a window to look deeply within yourself, at a specific polarity. Perhaps you continually say things such as: “I don’t want to gossip anymore.” Yet, when the next person comes your way, you fall back into your old pattern. If you are truly ready to release this pattern, we can be of assistance to you.

Clearly, either orally, in written form or in your mind, state your intention using a positive affirmation. “I speak only kind words about others.” The reason we ask you to state it in a positive form is because as spirit beings, we “see” energy patterns rather than “hearing” your words.

If you were to state an intention such as: “I do not want to gossip anymore.” We see it as a positive statement, with gossip as the subject. We automatically “assume” gossip is something you want to experience more of, for that is your focus. So, we may set you up for more of those experiences.

In contrast, by stating the intention, “I speak only kind words about others,” the contrast is vastly different. The following will explain the process so that you can better understand how we on the “Other Side” operate.

In order to manifest anything, the basic order is the same for all scenarios. Clear your mind, speak you intention and then visualize the outcome. See yourself in the final outcome of the situation. As much as possible, feel those emotions; use your senses to see, touch, smell, taste and hear yourself in the situation.

Here is the contrast. You have decided that you want to break the gossip habit. You have cleared your mind and called in Chicchan or other spirit helpers for assistance. You clearly state your intention, “I speak only kind words about others.” Then you visualize yourself doing just that, speaking kind words to others.

You may choose to visualize yourself in one of the settings where you most often find yourself gossiping. Perhaps when two of your best friends get together, you all have a tendency to start talking about others. For this exercise, visualize yourself with your two friends. The setting could be a place where you all meet on a regular basis, such as a coffee shop. Notice the space you are in: What does it look like? What things do you feel: the chair you are sitting on, a wall you are leaning against, a coffee mug? What do you smell: the air, food, perfume, cigarette smoke? What do you taste: coffee, cola, doughnuts, the pen you are nibbling on? What sounds do you hear: wind blowing, coffee grinders, people chattering?

Observe your friends beginning the gossip session. See yourself as being quiet, not adding fuel to the fire. Soon your friends will notice that you are silent and attempt to draw you into their conversation. See yourself speaking only kind words about others. Notice how this makes you feel.

At first, this new behavior may be uncomfortable to you and your friends. Yet, as you practice, first in your mind and then in actual circumstances, you will become more empowered and more comfortable with the shedding of the habit of gossip. Usually one of two things will happen. Your friends will stop inviting you to their gossip sessions or they will follow your example. If they choose to continue gossiping, you will find that you are no longer interested in joining in and will likely choose other friends or leave when the gossip begins.

Now, let us share with you the contrast of stating an intention of what you do not want. Once again, you have cleared your mind and called in spirit helpers for guidance and assistance. Then you state your intention, “I do not want to gossip anymore.”

Using the same example of two friends in a coffee shop, now visualize the same scenario. Again, use your senses to see, touch, smell, taste and hear yourself in the situation. In your visualization, you will be gossiping but perhaps you will stop yourself in mid-sentence, or maybe you will tell your friends that you no longer want to participate in gossiping. The outcome may be the same, but the transition is much different.

In the first example, you were only saying kind words about others. However, this time, because of the way you stated the intention, you will be gossiping, but not wanting to do it anymore. Can you see the difference? It may seem subtle but the difference is huge.

By stating, visualizing and practicing what you want: to say only kind words about others, you quickly break the habit by simply doing or being what it is you want to create. However, by stating the intention and visualizing yourself in the process of breaking the habit, you will find yourself in repeated patterns or situations that give you the choice to practice the behavior you wish to change. In most of these cases, the habit is never broken.

Ponder on this until you see the full implications. Practice it in any situation where like Chicchan, the serpent, you are able to shed old patterns and transform yourself into the beautiful being that you already are.

Selamet! Chicchan 12

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On the website, you will also find information and articles related to health, emotional well-being, self-empowerment and organic gardening. We also offer all 260 of the Mayan Messages as an eBook for a nominal donation of $15.00 to help support our work.
Many blessings! Theresa Crabtree

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