World Viewz

A Message in the Sky

The language of Nature speaks in mysterious ways to those who listen. This story is one of those magical experiences that was gifted to me while I was painting on the majestic Goddess Pele’.

One sunny morning, I had been preparing to paint on my canvas through a ceremonial connection to the Hawaiian Goddess Pele’. I went out onto my deck to greet the Sun and offer up my prayers and there it was, as I opened the door to the omen in the sky, gazing upward I saw the most amazing, huge, rainbow, encircling the sun. I had never seen such a phenomenon, a very large rainbow around the sun in the stark of daylight. I stayed out under Her radiance Praying for almost two hours. There were even periods of time when I could see a double rainbow.

Now this can easily be scientifically explained as the water vapor of the clouds acting like a prism to break up the white light of the Sun into the colors of the rainbow. But more over I knew this was an important and profound message. I remember reading about it before, they call it a Sun Dog. I got the out camera to record this mystical event. It was so large that it had to be taken in four different quadrants. The Sky was talking and it felt powerful, especially with the ceremony I was doing the moment I saw it.

Jamie Sams speaks of her Native American teachers telling her in the Whirling Rainbow prophecy. ___________________ “When the time of the White Buffalo approaches, the third generation of the white eyes children will grow their hair and talk about love as the healer of the Children of Earth.” This was the generation of the 60’s flower children; this part of the prophecy has been fulfilled. These white- eyed children will be a sign that the Ancestors are returning in white bodies, but are Red on the inside. She was told that the Buffalo would return to Turtle Island (America) and be plentiful once again (which it already is).

The generation following the flower children would see the dawning of the Fifth World of peace. A time her teachers called the wobbly pony. As this new world was being born it would be trying to stand on wobbly legs. It was said that the wobble would be felt throughout the Earth Mother and would cause many changes upon the soil and waters. This would create rolling emotions and feelings that would bring about the quickening and the remembering. These changes will bring great fear to the children of Earth but would serve as the catalyst to a deeper understanding and eventual unity.

It would be during the time approaching the changes that the Whirling Rainbow would appear in the sky as a “SUN DOG” ! A term that was given to this rare phenomena by the Native Americans. It is a name that was adopted by scientists all over the world to define this Sky Symbol. Many Sun Dogs will be seen around the time of the White Buffalo and this will be a Sky message that foretells that the Secret Sacred Teachings are now to be shared with all races. There will be enough Awakened Ones to carry the responsibilities of these teachings and the Great Healing of Human kind will be in full swing.

When the Whirling Rainbow Woman of the Navaho and the Hopi bring the cleansing rains to the Earth, her children’s hearts and minds will also be cleansed. When the Rainbow of peace encircles each person’s Sacred Space, all will again walk in Truth and remember how to respect all living things in the circle of life. It is then that the harmony of living will return to the Earth walk of Human Beings. These Knowing Systems are the teachings of the Warriors of the Rainbow, who are the Brothers and Sisters that will unite the Fifth World through the teachings of peace.___________________________________________________________________________________

The Sun Dog is a clear message from Creator to let us know the prophetic changes are here. The messages handed down to us from the Ancestors of the Keepers of Earth Wisdom are indeed real and it is important for us to shake off the numbness of complacency that weigh heavy upon the senses of our materialistic mind.

The signs are everywhere for us to recognize and they are happening just as the Ancient Seers Saw them to be. Yet for many people, including myself, the possibility of the fabric of our reality being torn away from us can bring up the uncomfortable fear of impending pain and suffering. This is a normal reaction for us to have as we face change into the unknown. Fear can be an enemy or an ally, depending on what we do with the energy. One must train the mind and body to channel this energy in a beneficial way creating passion to make the change with direction and purpose, through preparation, Prayer and focused intention. Anticipatory Design with Love ruling the Heart not fear.

There is a great purpose for what is occurring at this evolution in reality. The Hopi call it the time of purification. It is the opportunity to transmute old dogma, karma, and cleanse the heart and mind into a purer state of blissful Awareness. The river of change will take those who are ready on an amazing transcendental ride. We are on the edge of a great cosmic event! Consider it as something similar to a birthing process on a Grand Earth scale. Keep breathing deep and trust that the new reality is taking form in a loving beautiful way.

There are many wise teachers who are here to assist in the process. But be aware there are also many false teachers and misguided individuals who are sincere in their intentions, but limited in the scope of their knowledge and perceptions. They have all been set upon our path for us to learn how to distinguish what is Truth and what is fabricated fantasies of fictitious illusion and ultimately to teach us to Trust Our Own Heart and Our Own Inner Voice. This could be the most important aspect of our survival. We are all being asked to be responsible for our thoughts and behaviors. There is always healing available when one is somehow motivated to change our path. Focused Intention is everything.

We are learning that we are the keepers of intention; this intention sets the direction of the perception of our path, our Creation. The only path that leads to awakening to the higher beauty of Creation is the path of the heart. As stay in our Hearts, soon enough we look around there will be other Brothers and Sisters who reflect the same Spirit Light emanating LOVE. Begin a Heart rhythm beating with the Earth Mother and celebrate the Eternal Dance of Creation.

The Sun Dog is our Mother Earth and Father Sky’s gentle way of communicating a profound message to us. It is a message that cannot be censored and it will get our attention to look up above. Have faith in the Wisdom of Creation. Love is what Consciousness intends for us to gain knowledge of. It is the relationship we have with this Truth, with our Self. It is all that IS and our collective input of LOVE will influence what is to be our new reality.

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