2013 - The Flow of Bliss
2013 - what a fresh start with the new energies. The culmination of the Winter Solstice completed a phase in our evolutional journey indeed. Now here we are in the middle of these new energies trying out our new senses and experiencing something completely new. Yes it can be hidden. But just take a closer look. All is happening in the very same way as it did years and years ago? There are micro, and in some cases macro signs of evolutionary changes in every single life on Earth. We have entered a new chapter. “Creation as it is now, has become your own responsibility” - as Adama said. Too huge? Yes indeed. But, we still have all the tools needed to use our new abilities. Just try. The arriving new set of energies can help us to maintain the higher vibration in all those earthly ‘to dos’ which were not part of the divine approach earlier. Put aside your old pattern of thinking. Implement a fresh view of every little segments of your daily life. The closer look you take, the closer you can realize how deeply you are part of the creation of any happenings in your life. Being part of creation is the privilege for those who can leave behind linearity. For those who can find their peace in every single moment of their life. The flow of love, compassion and gratitude is around us. We are all part of it. The gate was opened up by the 2012 code, and it allows us to stay in this flow of Bliss. We are like a newborn in this new reality around. New rules of operation are in place. If this new reality around you seems the same to you, just take a closer look… This new energy is like a gentle spring wind for many, and like a hurricane for some. Adjusting to it is the very first thing to do for all of us. ‘You are a citizen of the multidimensional reality around you. You have your own passport now. It is the Disc of the Sun in your heart. Through it you can connect to the crystalline grid. Through it you can access to the Crystalline Matrix of the entire Universe. There is a multidimensional reality in every single creation you manifest. You are a part of this matrix. In the past you were part of it in a totally unconscious way. Now it is different. The new reality is shining through the old paradigm. Take a closer look. And connect, connect, connect. Conscious connection to the Grid is the key. Use these tools that you are the master of. This year is just the beginning. So much will unfold soon. Buckle up. The Crystalline Matrix of the Universe is ready to reveal its long awaited secrets to you. Being Human is the greatest gift in this moment in time. Use your newly arriving senses and abilities to discover this gift to the fullest. Your heart is the commander. Let her navigate you. ‘- Adama With all these words what else can I say. We are all part of this grand experience. The new energies are different. We are different. The smile in our hearts is our best compass for this adventure called 2013. Now with all the beautiful Equinox energies around, have an amazing year, filled with love light compassion and gratitude. Kata
Adama: Compassion and the Center of the Galaxy
Greetings to the Masters, As you march deeper into the new paradigm, new challenges pave the way for preparing you for your most deserved higher dimensional existence. Everything is there. Your lovefilled New Earth is there, and your ability to explore most of it with your newly awakened divine senses are there. There is one tiny missing piece. The newly activated brain set to be able to comprehend it all. This is the beautiful task for this new chapter called “2013” - to explore yourself, including your newly calibrated mind set, to the fullest. I am not suggesting you attend psychological courses. Rather instead explore in silence “that you are capable of everything”, and “that you are the center of your timeless universe”. You are connecting all these personal universes into one single heartbeat of the cosmos. The more you know about yourself, the more you know about this rhythm of LOVE. The more you love yourself, the more you can attract the pure love particles of the Source - available to all of you. These pure love particles are called the highest vibrational LIGHT that arrives from the Heart of the Cosmos through our Galactic Center. Your dedication and readiness, plus the newly activated Crystalline Grid around the planet add together; and thus you are able to tune into the Galactic Center and receive all these light particles into the core of your being. Compassion is the key for this reconnection to happen. The Crystalline Grid, with all its layers, was ready by the end of 2012. Planetary happenings on the Winter Solstice completed the reconnection between the GRID and the Galactic Center. This Grid is like a newly born baby, and needs your love, care and most importantly your compassion. Compassion - feeling oneness with everyone and everything - is the fire of the newly born Grid. Compassion is like fuel for this interdimensional system. It is fuel from your reality so that the Grid is able to stay alive, prosper, vibrate, grow and shine. So whenever you send love to the planet, to all living beings, and to the heart of the universe, please remember to also send your love to the Grid. Please send the pure fire of your compassionate heart to the planet, to all living beautiful beings, to the universe, AND to the Grid. With this action, you act as a conduit between them. The suggested simple method is twofold. The Crystalline Grid is getting stronger; and at the same time you are getting fully prepared for the galactic vibrations. The stronger Grid will be able to store and transform, more of the arriving vibrations from the Galactic Center while you are getting prepared to implement it into your precious physical system.. By connecting the fire of compassion in your heart you can gain access to the greatest vibration of the heart of the universe through the center of your galaxy. Sounds sci-fi? Just wait when your scientists will prove the connection between the pulsing vibrations of the center of your galaxy to your brain waves. Gamma will be the keyword. Now, just start your preparation work. Fill your heart to the fullest with feelings of compassion, love and patience and be prepared for something extraordinary simple. Because it will happen “in the blink of an eye” and you will realize that the transformation happened indeed. Your crystalline body will be fully present in the crystalline universe. Until then there are a few steps to make. Now that your heart is fully prepared, your brain needs certain adjustments. You can do brain wave enhancer meditations. Working with divine frequencies can help the most. Your mindset will change and it will be able to gradually receive more. It receives the most from the core vibration of the universe. Great changes are ahead. So the best you can do is be prepared. Be in your heart always. That is rule number one. Observe your mind changing. Rule number two. Trust in your new senses and the wisdom of the universe. Rule number three. Thus you will experience the greatest gift one can attain in human form: to become a universal citizen in physical embodiment form. What a gift and what a chance. Love your body and nourish it because this is the first time in human history that it can be your vehicle into your crystalline reality. Practicing compassion needs to be a daily routine - in its most beautiful sense. The whole paradigm of reality can change with the changing of your attitude. Loving yourselves and feeling compassion toward others are the two simplest and still most important of emotions. Be the key for all the changes you are about to experience soon. I know there is “nothing new” in these timeless teachings. Still, with the paradigm change that you are all experiencing - the results are that these effortless efforts bring their fruits into existence NOW. Never forget the simple truth which was imprinted into your DNA a long time ago: Compassion is the personal code to your planetary ascension. The Grid is the gift from the Galactic Center to make it happen NOW. How can the Lemurian heritage be connected to all this cosmic wisdom? The answer is simple. There was a time in human history when this galactic frequency, in perfect alignment with human embodiments, was present on this planet. The imprints of these memories are still in your DNA. There are Lemurians who kept this wisdom alive. They are among you and around you. They are galactic citizens, as you all will be. Your heart knows the proper frequency to recognize them. They have so much to share. They are us. We are here. We are closer then ever since the erasing of the divine frequencies from this planet, since the disconnection from the Galactic Center, from the Heart of the Cosmic Mother. The rising love frequency of your hearts will enable us to share more and more. The reconnection to the Galactic Center happened on the Winter Solstice. You are ready, so we are ready. Compassion is reuniting us. Our common heartbeat is the compass for the planet which points towards the Galactic Center. Lemurians were the holders of the most ancient love frequency on planet Earth. We were the ambassadors of the love of the Cosmic Mother. Now it is your turn to bring her back to the planet, to her Home. It is time, Adama
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