World Viewz

Considerations: you do not know what anything is.

An enlightened lover


Cannot be bothered


With subjectivity, fear or concern.


How boring!


Such a one is only busy


With the affair of his or her loving,


Which extends into every area of life.


It is all a delicious exploration.


It is profound, ordinary,


But full of magic.


Who knows what will happen next?


That is not the lover's concern.


Suddenly it strikes you that you are


Present as the body totally,


Not just as the flesh


But as everything arising.


You are space. You are light.


Enter the garden with your lover,


Sit intimately and breathe


Your mutual presence together.


Who starts where,


And who stops anywhere?


The world is full of


Endless possibilities for us all.


This is the kingdom,


This is that very garden.


How could it be someplace else?


We are here!


It never began,


And it never


Can come to an end.


It is endless,




Deliciously paradoxical,


Unreasonably happy.


The self reference


Is a convention of reference


For getting things done every day.


But the self never appears


In our experience.


It is a symbol, a bit of language.


It is not a description


Of how it is.


It is an advertisement.


The "i" never appears in the event


As it does in sentences.


The "i" appearing,


Or the "me,"


The self reference,


Appears constantly in speech


But it never appears


In experience.


Don't you think


That is remarkable.


It never does!


The ego


Does not exist.


It is a model


Of interpretation.


It is a way of


Making sense out of nonsense.


So if you remain


True to your experience,


You must begin to operate


In quite a different way.


This begins to become


Fully apparent to you,


Certain to you,


It is fundamental


To every moment of


Your consciousness.


You must be transformed,


Don't you think? Yes!


Do you think it is time for you!


No one


Has ever had a thought.


Something arose.


You know what i mean?


There are only things arising.


No knowledge.


As soon as you


Get used to it,


If you do not forget it


And if you oblige yourself


To live with such understanding,


Things begin to go on


Quite differently


For "you."


Do not thing back,


Get into it


Right now!


Do you know


What consciousness is?


Is knowledge what it is?


And do you ever experience


That which you are?


That which


Observes consciousness


And all other things,


Do you ever now that itself?


You do not know it,


You are not a thing apart


That could know it.


You are it, altogether.


No matter what arises,


As experience, thought, emotion,


Circumstances, action, self sense,


World, relationship, whatever,


We do not know what it is.


Our fundamental position


In the midst of arising things


Is utter ignorance


Or non-knowledge


Of the existence of anything.


We can and do very naturally


Gain all kinds of information


About things, people, events,


But we never know what they are.


This is always and eternally true.


We are already eternally happy


In our ignorance.


No matter what forms of


Knowledge we may acquire,


Even the highest so-called


"spiritual" realizations,


We never know what it is.


There is no such knowledge!


There is absolute ignorance of it.


Absolute ignorance of it.


Absolute ignorance


Of what you are


Or what anything is.


That is nirvana.


And yet you see


At the same time


All this can occur,


All these so-called phenomena


Do not interfere


With this ignorance.


You are never in danger


Of knowing anything!


Nirvana is eternal,


And yet everything arises.


There is no one


Making it arise,


No one watching it arise.


Nothing is known,


And yet everything


Is going on,


And can be done


Exactly as it has always


Been before.


And yet when this


Is fully the realization


In consciousness,


This will make


A great deal


Of difference.


It is not knowledge at all.


It is profoundest ignorance.


Adaptation to this ignorance


Is the highest wisdom.


Wisdom is adaptation.


Total ignorance.


You can see how this is so?




So all of this and nirvana


Are exactly the same.


No knowledge, no knower,


Only arising.


Nothing ever to be known


About that.


There is no cause of it.


It does not even exist.


Not stupid,


But complete ignorance.


Completely unqualified,


Without qualification,


And also not qualified to know!


Absolutely unqualified


By any knowledge whatsoever,


By any specific definition


Or modification


Of consciousness.


The illusion of knowledge,


The illusion of knower,


Of some knowledge to be attained,


Is suffering.


When the illusion of knowledge is gone,


Suffering is completely gone,


All knowledge is completely vanished.


There is no mind, no form, no thing,


And yet there is everything.


This paradox is as close


As you can come


To pointing to the divine, so-called.


The paradox of this moment,


Unqualified and yet qualified


At the same time,


Well, this is enlightenment.


This is total, unqualified


And absolute enlightenment.


You are now enlightened!


All of this is obvious,


Isn't it?


The whole secret


Of spiritual practice


Is the freeing of attention,


To the point where


That single gesture of attention,


In which there is no knowledge,


In which everything becomes obvious,


May be made.


Most of your attention


Is being played on


By ordinary concerns


And points of view,


Beliefs, fears, and so forth.


Your attention must be


Freed up from that,


Fully, absolutely,


So that this simple gesture


Can be made.


Do you know


What anything is?


Is knowledge what you're up to?


Do you know anything?


This ignorance


Is your eternal,


Natural and divine state.


That is the truth.


That is the divine form,


That ignorance, perfectly enjoyed.


The illusion of knowledge


Is suffering.


That is it.


That is all there is to it.


At every moment


There is some new form of knowledge,


Some new certainty


That this is your experience.


You see what i mean?


You think you are knowing something.


But you are not knowing anything.


You do not know what it is.


In any case you do not know what it is.


Ignorance is your natural state.


All this knowledge


Is very complicated and disturbing,


It involves you in an adventure


That qualifies you and threatens you even.


But you are not in a body,


You are in a state of ignorance.


Grasp this with your whole being




Make this your body, this ignorance,


And all wisdom will appear


As nothing! As nonsense!


Nirvana is ignorance.


Realization is release from knowledge,


The illusion of knowledge.


And all knowledge is an illusion,


Because it does not actually


Amount to knowledge.


There is no reduction of the mystery


Or the paradox.


All things arise and nothing is known.


That is nirvana.


Rest in your ignorance,


Any you are completely happy,


Completely unthreatened.


You are completely free of what arises.


It never implicates you for a moment.


You know nothing about it.


Knowledge is not your connection to it.


There is no connection.


There is no "you" to find.


There is ignorance, only,


Absolute ignorance.


Well, that is enlightenment.


That is it!


Now you must live it in every moment


And you will see how mad you are.


At any moment feel and see


If you know anything.


And then return to your natural state.


Ignorance is it, you see.


That is it.


Have i said it?


There is only this ignorance, eternally.


You relax into fully feeling this ignorance.


Absolutely blissful.


It is perfectly obvious, isn't it?


There is nothing to be realized


Beyond it.


It is the one thing that is truth.


It is very truth.


It is the absolute experience.


It is the only knowledge, this ignorance.


It is never touched, never touched.


I am that ignorance. You see?


And so are you, aren't you?


That same ignorance.


You imagine that knowing


Is what you're up to.


You imagine that enlightenment


Is some knowledge.


But that is not what it is.


It is this ignorance.


You are without motion,


Without place, without fear,


Without extension,


Without quality,


Without liberation,


Without bondage,


Entirely without knowledge.


And everything is simply obvious.


It is perfectly obvious.


Fall back into your natural condition


Of complete ignorance,


No knowledge,


Everything becomes obvious


And there is no illusion


And so suffering.


You will not acquire any knowledge


Through any meaning whatsoever.


Whatever it means,


You still do not know what it is.


You are released from knowing that.


Abiding in that ignorance


Is release eternal.


If you consider this argument constantly


Then you will always be enlightened.


It is always there.


Always has been there.


This has always been your condition.


And at the same time


That there are all these things arising,




There is nothing. So-called.


Even if you fail to understand that,


It is still the same ignorance.


Look at one another


Realizing that you are not looking


At anything that is knowing.


There is no knower there.


You have not the slightest idea


What you are, what another is.


Look at it directly.


You are completely ignorant of it.


All of you


Will be completely enlightened




How can you forget ignorance again?


This ignorance is your only experience,




It has nothing to do with anything.


Do you see?


There is only ignorance.


Only ignorance.


There is no knowledge. None!


Complete ignorance


Of anything whatsoever


Is your nature.


Not ignorance within,


Or ignorance anywhere.


It is only ignorance.


That is it. Only!


No single gesture that arose


Could possibly make it


Anything more than ignorance.


Everything arises


And you know nothing about it,


Not even the slightest


Hint of what it is.


No way to describe it,


It is completely awesome


And absurd yet workable.


It is all of that.


It is a paradox.


And you know nothing.


Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Nothing! Nothing!


No knowledge whatsoever,


Complete ignorance. Nothing!


And yet nothing disappears.


It is completely coincident


With absolutely any moment whatsoever.


Nothing that arises


Has the least effect upon it


And it causes nothing.


Everything is it.


Everything is this same ignorance.


Everything that arises is it,


It is that ignorance.


You say it is a modification


And yet it is still the same ignorance.


It makes no difference whatsoever.


There is no knowledge arising


At any moment, only arising itself.


No knowledge whatsoever.


Even so-called knowledge is only arising,


And you know nothing about it,


You haven't the slightest idea what it is.


Independent of what you are thinking it means,


You haven't any idea of what it is.


So you exist in this complete ignorance,


You are this complete ignorance,


Everything is this ignorance,


There is only this complete,


Absolute ignorance


That makes no difference whatsoever.


What it is is not the kind of thing


That makes a difference


And yet it obviously makes


All the difference,


You know what i mean?


Play it then!


Nothing is realized.


You do not know what anything is


After that experience


Any more than before it.


Nothing changes or qualifies this ignorance.


Look at all of this and you realize


That there is nothing knowable about it.


All this is not a something


About which knowledge can appear.


There is no knowledge. Never.


You never could grasp this ignorance.


You see you never could.


Only this ignorance, then, and that is it.


And this paradox is completely obvious,


Isn't it?


There is no knowledge,


Only complete ignorance.


And that is the truth of it.


You know nothing.


There is no knowledge.


Profoundly realized,


You are absolutely released


In this ignorance.


This is perfection.


You see how the recognitio


Of this ignorance


Is itself meditation.


This is the only true meditation.


This must become ordinary, constant.


This is samadhi, enlightenment.


The whole matter of enlightenment,


Of perfect realization,


Is instant.


It does not require


Years and years of training.


It is a direct confrontation,


In which the individual must have


The available attention.


But it is most simple, most direct.


It is exactly as we have considered it,


And nothing more.


After all is said and done,


You do not know what anything is.


You are completely ignorant


And nothing has ever been knowledge.


So, consider that and do what you will.


I am completely satisfied


That that argument


Is entirely sufficient


To enlighten all beings


Who can consider it.


You do not know what anything is.


Even the knowledge you seem to have.


There is no such thing as knowledge.


It is just the illusion


At the end of seeking.


Realization is that


All that is fruitless,


And that there no knowledge


That can even be attained.


But that very ignorance


Is precisely your condition


And the condition of everything.


And it will make no difference




You will still know nothing about it.


You know nothing more about the


Absolute, divine vision


Than you know abut this glass of water.


And vice-versa!


You are completely ignorant of what it is.


It may mean a lot,


But you do not know what it is.


You do not know what these meanings are.


You do not know what they are.


You see? You are completely ignorant.


This is absolutely true.


And that is the truth.


And there really isn't anything


Else to realize.


And one day it will be suddenly obvious.


Your experience is complete ignorance.


You do not know what anything is,


You do not know what a word is,


You do not know what anything is.


It does not make any difference


What happens, you still do not know


Anything about it.


It is the noticing of this with the


Full force of one's being, so-called,


That is enlightenment.


Enlightenment is so brief, so simple,


It is only a matter of knowing this,


So-called knowing of this.


Realizing ignorance brings the whole


Thing to an end even while it continues.


It does not become single,


It becomes a paradox,


A condition of which


There is no knowledge whatsoever.


Do you know what i am talking about?


Good! I suspected as much,


Because in saying all of this


I have not known anything whatsoever.


So how could you know anything more


As a result of listening to me?


You do not.


You are as ignorant now as then.


You have understood nothing.


Even if you had understood something,


It would make no difference


Because you do not know what it is.


Not just thinking about it


But realizing this ignorance


Is what i am talking about.


Spiritual discipline


Is essentially consideration


Of the argument


Until there is enough free attention


That it becomes completely obvious.


And the argument appears in many forms,


This is just one of the versions of it.


Do you know what anything is?


Do you know? No. Not at all.


In fact, there isn't anything


That is anything like a thing


About which knowledge


Could be possible,


Knowledge of what it is.


Existence of something


Is not anything that has to do


With knowledge.


There is no such knowledge


And never could be.


When you realize


That this ignorance


Is the same as your consciousness,


And are completely realized


In this ignorance,


Then all this begins to become


Obvious in a remarkable way.


Even when you seem to know


What something is,


You are still completely ignorant


Of the knowing and the thing.


Knowledge has nothing whatever


To do with it.


You are not something


That has knowledge or requires it.


So what is wrong?


Make no assumptions


About knowledge whatsoever.


Know that you exist


As a complete mystery.


And that is precisely what you are, in fact.


It is a complete paradox


Because everything arises in any case,


Not for ignorant reasons, you see,


Except perfectly ignorant ones.


Arising has no cause whatsoever.


True, it does arise in ignorance.


Perfect ignorance!


So you can bypass all the argument,


All the consideration,


If you realize that you are


Simply ignorant of it,


It could not be otherwise


Because it is not a something


About which knowledge is possible.


Asking, "who am i?"


Is not a matter of


Finding out who i am.


It is a matter of realizing


You are completely ignorant of it.


The "i" is not something


About which there can be knowledge


As to what it is.


Who am i?


What it is cannot be known.


And yet that ignorance


Is also consciousness.


Your very condition


Under all conditions


Is this ignorance.


It is not stupidity.


And it is not unconscious.


It is not anything


That you know about.

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Comment by Steven Shapiro on June 29, 2011 at 12:10pm
This post was written by Adi Da Samraj

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