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Faces~Phases of the Moon by Hirini Reedy

Kia ora & hi there, Recently I sent an email talking about shifting the mind into empowered states. Remember Mind SHFTS? See+Hear+Feel+Taste+Smell. In your memories, you can recall SHFTS that can give you power and energy. Now we must be able to channel and apply that energy into movements, tactics and strategies that give us the best chance of success. One way is to use the faces or phases of the Moon to guide and guard ourselves in times of crisis. Here is a couple of Moon strategies to alert, avoid and deflect threats and unwanted attention. New Moon Strategy. This is one of awareness and avoidance. Just like the new moon is still present in the sky yet she is in shadow and invisble to us. Essentially your sixth sense tells you that danger is up ahead. So you avoid it. Simple. Read the signs. Hair rising. Tight gut feeling. A shadow of a doubt. These are all sixth sense feelings. Add them together to get an accurate fix. Then make yourself invisible and untouched. Run away. Why stay and fight if you can avoid it? Your ego will tell you to fight. You must practice getting your ego under control. Rising Moon Strategy. Your strength is a strong, calculating mind hidden beneath a non-threatening, unassuming physical surface. You might be full of smiles that deflect the aggressive overtures of your opponent. You consciously give ground and feign weakness until you have your enemy in a vulnerable position. You use confusion, deception, deflection, misdirection and anonymity as your allies. Remember a sharp mind can cut through thick muscle. At a higher level, you seek to negate the enemy strength through smart thinking. You have identified their weaknesses physically, emotionally, culturally and spiritually. You choose the battlegrounds in which to engage your enemy and exploit these many weaknesses. You lead them into ambushes or equivalent where their strengths are negated. In this strategy the enemy is often over-confident, cocky and under-estimates you. In a way, you are like a smiling assassin. Very ordinary and unthreatening on top, very calculating and explosive underneath. Thank you, Hirini PS. If you want to learn more about the Moon strategies than you can find out more over here.

Views: 208

Tags: Aotearoa, Hirini, Moon, New, Phases, Reedy, Zealand


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Comment by Hirini R on April 4, 2009 at 1:57am
Kia ora,
All comments above are perfectly valid and accepted. This post is not your medicine. It is your poison. And you have your own antidote. Nothing further needed. We do not all see the colour red the same. See the moon the same. Experience love the same. Define world peace the same.

This post is taken out of context. It was never intended for WorldView posting. A good friend stuck it up here at Worldview. I had written it for my own subscribers from an experience when I trained groups of woman who had gone through all the light, love and inner peace work yet some had still got violated and seriously hurt. Some became disillussioned and wanted both a light and shadow approach to self protection. Both beauty and bitch. Both angel and assassin.

Apologies if I am your poison. Yet I am just being me. With all my darkness, curses, light & blessings.

Comment by Howling Woman on April 3, 2009 at 2:32pm
Hey Clem;
Have you got some room there in Canada? We are seriously looking for another country to relocate. We have looked at Bleize, Chile`, even Iceland, don't like the weather, but, this USA is quickly becoming something very ugly. The mass graves, the plastic coffins, the control of the internet, we all better start exchanging phone numbers so we can connect before the phones go too. The homeless camp at the California fair grounds, what is happening? We live in peace as well, and have always felt love would sustain us, but where is the love going? When I look around, I see the visions, that I've had for years beginning to take shape. Let our light be a beacon...for others of the light to find...there is solace here, in our hearts where the hope of human kind truly lives.
Love, blessings, and peace,
Howling Woman
Comment by Howling Woman on April 2, 2009 at 11:49pm
You know, Pat, I was wondering the same thing. However I hope that I would not be counted as among them. It seems this would be more or less as effective as a voo doo doll, or a sigil from the Key of Solomon, the Goetia, but are we not supposed to be rising past these dark iniquities? Isn't this the time for a new Dawn? Where we need not expend our energy to punish our enemies, as by the power of our love, joy and playfulness, it angers our enemies without us having a care in the world, or so much as a backward glance? You know, "The best revenge is living well"? Manipulating natural forces to seek the demise of others is black magic, is it not? There comes a heavy load of Karma with that which seeks to destroy another. Is it worth the price you will eventually pay? Or am I totally confused by what Hirini is saying here????
Love and many blessings!
Howling Woman

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