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Flower of Life Workshop - May 2009, Tokyo

In Japan the first few days of May are called Golden Week and most of the country takes a holiday at the same time. I used my three days off to attend a flower of life workshop facilitated by Paul Knighton here in Tokyo.

All I can say is that it was a life changing experience. I had practiced the MerKaBa meditation for a few months on my own before attending the workshop but felt I was definitely missing some pieces to the puzzle. The workshop most definitely provided those pieces and then some.

The most important aspect of the meditation is opening your heart to unconditional love for all life, without that the mind just focuses on the technical aspects of the meditation. A wonderful exercise we did for opening our hearts was what Paul called the Sufi Dance - we got into partners, each person greeted each other with Namaste - the god within me acknowledges the god with you - then placed our right hands on our partner's heart chakra, sang 'You are my beloved, I open my heart to you' then started into each others eyes for two minutes.

I have never felt a more effective way of opening the heart, after doing this with 4 or 5 people then practicing the meditation I was able to enter my MerKaBa in a way I never had before. It was a fantastic experience and to anyone interested in learning the MerKaBa meditation as described by Drunvalo in his books Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life - I can't recommend this workshop strongly enough!


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Tags: Drunvalo, Flower, Life, MerKaBa, Namaste, of


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