World Viewz

Please, Your Writing will always be FREE here, well, we hope anyway...kurtisz

When enough becomes Too Much 4 ME;

THE threat to our FREEDOM OF WRITING? SPEECH,COMMUNITY&theENVIRONMENT(SACRED, Abundant...Scarred & Yet still_Healing, Mother Earth)?

WTF?!? Where is Al GOnRE. Too Many Beans Pickens&Buffett(?), Gatez, US&A..., Mitt R., Sen. McCain, Rush & ALL THE OTHER CELEBUTARDed POLITICAL fashionary MOdels. THe green movment, greenpeaces, the Irish, THE f'kn fightin' Irish, past ancestors who would stand or speak or write up for what they know and cannot deny!

IF THE HEMPfest was really more of an ENVIRONTMENTALLY FRIENDLY CAUSE, WOULD IT STILL HAVE BEEN DENIED? ANY ENVIRONMENTALISTS READING, LISTENTING, WATCHING, DUH?!! Who is willing/stupid/brave or blind enough to agree with this? Hempfesters, R u not also environmentalists?

IS it simply because POLITICIANs CANNOT be honest with US(&A), or that we're not being honest with ourselves? "(Perhaps more aptly we are now without our own honest common sense)."?

John Denver sang the song, Gospel Changes LAW. I don't know who wrote it though...

I use quotations whenever I knowingly use anothers words("reduceD, reused&RECYCLEd")


I've said mine. B4 I myself am 'reduced,re-usd&recycledd)...

Peace, just-not+in so... very... many.... different..pieces.
~kurtis b. zobell

Oh, pardon my capitals, I tend 2 yell or get excited about those things I find sacred. Free speech, my childrens future...(you fill it in from here and pass it along).

Aho! Shalom, Nemaste, Aloha, Sacred Breathings & Blessings, Namaste, Hugs&kisses, handshakes...Amen

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