With the increased environmental and consciousness shifts currently taking place - it has been difficult to completely grasp and articulate the many experiences I am currently processing. There are so many wonderful subjects/topics through my work that I am motivated to pursue as a vehicle to express my creativity. Whether its writing film, short comedies, expressing myself through singing or dance or just blogging about the spiritual enlightment going on during this amazing time in history.
While our jobs demand attention to pay our bills in the NOW – it is the creative calling that stretches our imagination and calls us to “step outside” our comfort zones and live in our hearts. Like children – when free to express ourselves, this amazing love and creativity comes out and manifests beautiful light and healing in our world.
A few months ago I read an interesting article in the LA times about Erma Winfield, the 94 year old grandmother who painted the story of her life as pop art in a series of murals on the streets of LA. With paintbrush in hand, she hits the streets every day painting her movie with the protection and love of a community that loves and cherishes her self-expression. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-mural-lady-20110112,0,24534... like this amazing lady – there are things in our hearts that we want to do that cannot be ignored any longer.
As these changes occur inside of us – it causes a shift in our thinking away from working to pay our bills to one of finding joy in our work and the moment. And if we don’t feel joy in the work – we somehow find that the work changes to something more suitable. We see it slowly happening in subtle ways. Individual identity that was once associated with one’s job, title, etc..is giving way in order to give birth to this new way of thinking as a collective “we.” – both in our workplace and our personal creative time. As we grow and find natural joy in the moment helping our fellow men and women with this process – everything in life becomes that much more enjoyable.
Change is good, but for some at this time – it’ is still a scary process. Just like a bird learning to fly – we are connecting more as light beings and its causing our hearts to expand our consciousness to see beyond the duality and to connect with our souls path, and purpose with others. It is asking us to let go of fear and ego based “me” thinking and to bravely look inwardly at ourselves. To accept how we are viewed at times by others and establish connection to our own source to make our own decisions/life choices – regardless of what others say/think. It also means when we see things we don’t like in others to examine ourselves and shift our thinking – as people can try to upset us, judge us, trip us up, etc. but it is never really about us – it is about them or our own shadow side waging the war and really doesn’t matter what others think or say - that is illusionary. We are here to grow and evolve – even if painful at times.. We are not here to win popularity contests or gain approval. It is what is deep down we want and need for ourselves in our lives and connecting to our spiritual core to unleash our individual purpose that leads us to experience true joy and fulfillment. And by loving unconditionally - people are starting to catch on. We are seeing it more and more every day – at least in the movie I am experiencing. And part of that joy truly is using that creativity as a source of love and enjoyment in the world – something working with children reminds us of inside. It stems from our heart which when opened - yearns to express itself.
© 2025 Created by Robert Dakota.
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