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Tobyo » from the Bakemono-Dukushi - Unknown Artist)

« Uncoiling I » was originally written in September 2002, elaborating on drafts dating back to September 2000, and was first published in 2004.

At the time the music first came about, it was as if my activities were conspiring to remind me of the composition. I had just moved into a new house, and I had planted about half a dozen small trees which needed to be watered on a daily basis. So there was much coiling and uncoiling of the garden hose going on. Also, I recall having to untwist an impressive length of black plastic tube which had been abandoned on the roof, previously put there to serve as part of a swimming pool heater apparatus.

But the title of this miniature fugue for quartet rather comes from the notion of Kundalini energy, one of my subjects of interest at the time. From Wikipedia :

(...) literally means coiled. In yoga, a "corporeal energy" - an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force or Shakti, lies coiled at the base of the spine. It is envisioned either as a goddess or else as a sleeping serpent, hence a number of English renderings of the term such as 'serpent power'.

The first clip is an edited MIDI version that was completed in August 2007, mainly to incorporate vibraphone into the piece, and also features classical guitar, fretless bass and piano.

The second clip is the original 2004 draft version.

As the title suggests, the piece is the first of a series. At least two other parts are in the works, the second growing into a piece of metallic, heavy prog thing, while the third will be more in an hybrid electro prog rock style, along the lines of « Into The Ashram » for instance.

There are no plans to include vocal melodies on any of the three sections for now, but here is the poetry which the music has inspired.

apparently finite
yet in eternity
there is no part of you
that is not part of me

our worlds colliding
it's not you i'm seeing
but how you're reflecting
in my understanding

as your view touches mine
asking me to decide
between growth and decline
this is no time to hide

though my blood is boiling
i am not unknowing
it's only the prompting
of the future knocking

forcing me into place
the unseen architect
completing the puzzle
so splendidly perfect

no venom poisoning
but love in the making
the serpent is rising
its power uncoiling

Views: 48

Tags: Progressive rock, corporeal energy, demo, force, fugue, instinctive, kundalini, libidinal, miniature, music, More…poligraf, prog, prog rock, progressive, québec, rock, serpent power, shakti, spine, uncoiling, unconscious, vibraphone, wikipedia, yoga


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