World Viewz

I would like to share a holy moment with you all. It started when I was thinking about the lessons of the month, Self mothering and Love and the fact that the most important relationship is that with myself, (and the ant that bit my foot the other day), when those questions arrived from within:
"How can I mothering myself if I do not know what the "bleep" I need, want, like and care for? What needs do I have, what dreams do I have and what brings me joy? How is it possible to love myself if I do not know who the "bleep" I am?"

And this is the “answer” that came to my mind:
In order to Love myself, I need to feel safe,
In order to feel safe I need to feel satisfied and contented within.
In order to feel satisfied and contented within, I need to give myself what I need
In order to give myself what I need, I need to know with whom I am dealing.
In order to know with whom I am dealing, I need to recognize all aspects of who I am.
In order to recognize all aspects of who I am, I need to have some interest in myself and others.
In order to have some interest in myself and others, I need to love myself.
In order to love myself…..

My thoughts went further: “And if I do know who I am, In order to Love myself, I also need to appreciate or at least be neutral about that person I know as “me”. All of me, with all the different levels: physical, mental, emotional, psychological, psychic, astrological and spiritual. Unconditionally. How do I do that?” I asked myself.

For a couple of months I have felt like a slow shifting is going on inside. Many pieces have come together and I understand that sooner or later that is always what will happened when one have a hand full of pieces, or in this case, a mind- and heart full of pieces, but why this distinct difference, like a before and after picture that one can se in a make-over reportage?

And I continued thinking about that I am suppose to Mothering myself, love myself, and look into longterm relationships, especially that with myself. hmmm.”but I really like myself nowadays”, I replied to my thought, then it suddenly strikes me what a great recognition that astro-reading had given me of who I am and why! And how important that recognition was to me - I have a greater compassion for who I am now. I can honor every aspect of who I am and I believe that this is very important - because that itself is a kind of love for oneself, isn´t it?

When recognizing all aspects - the whole truth - and nothing but the truth.... my negative beliefs about some aspects of “who I am”, fell apart, disappeared from my mind as at the same time much truer insights about my aspects came up to my awareness.

So if Loving myself has to do with Knowing myself – it all comes down to only two questions: “What is true for me and what is the truth about me?”

From my own experiences – the sense of my own truth coming closer by the Love that you all showing and sharing - sometimes without knowing what you´re giving, but your stories and sharing’s have given me lots of inspiration, hope, compassion, laughter, love and joy and pieces for my own puzzle! Therefore it feels even more important - and fun - to dare to share both happy experiences and more confusing ones - which is sometimes hard, and sometimes easier - (I claim as that introverted Capricorn that I am) :-D

I think that it is fantastic how all those pieces of love gives a clearer picture for ones personal truth and growth.
And I totally understand and agree with that ant that jumped up and bit me in the foot yesterday, their message are: “cooperation and friendship is important in your life. Think and act as one and you will succeed. Through cooperation you will unit. Your gift is to cooperate with others. Clearer, it can not be said: You win, simply by cooperating with others”. Hopefully when I have now come to finally get their message, they will let my house and my feet be :-D
Much love and gratitude

Views: 51

Tags: appreciation, in, nina, one, self, whole


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