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This could help our "31.5% of all births in the U.S. were by cesarean section." "Caesarean rate has risen 46% since 1996, reaching a level of 30.2% in 2005 . . . Brazil has one of the highest rates . . . 35%, while in private hospitals the rate approaches 80%."

Many c-sections are performed because Mom's in danger. As mentioned in the video, Oxytocin is one of the hormones in childbirth. "it plays an integral role in the delivery of a baby. When a woman goes into labor, oxytocin levels increase. This stimulates contraction in the smooth muscle of the uterine walls, thereby facilitating delivery".

My research indicates certain preservatives in our foods and soaps (EDTA being one) block Oxytocin (very different from Oxycontin) (very technical).

EDTA is also used to remove heavy metal poisoning. So if you have exposure or metal teeth fillings I suggest replacing them before reducing EDTA.

Oxytocin, the "love" or "cuddle" hormone also affects our monogamy, male dysfunction, stress, Nucleus Accumbens, ability to feel love?, etc. In Asia, Oxytocin supplements are used like Viagra! In the USA supplements are sold on the internet to help quit smoking.

The above articles mention that Cobalt mineral supplements reverse the preservative's effect and Magnesium and Manganese help heal. So trying this natural birthing with a body full of preservatives maybe dangerous.

Orgasmic Birth the Movie

USA, Canada or Netherlands Public Screenings or to purchase DVD
When babies are born via C Section their gut flora is different than a baby that is born via natural childbirth.

  • Currently 5/5 stars.

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Comment by J. Nakagawa on March 7, 2009 at 12:00pm
I just saw the movie "Orgasmic Birth", wow! Afterwards, filmmaker Debra Pascali-Bonaro and others held an open panel discussion. She has approached medical doctors. In two weeks she will co-present the movie with a doctor! Haha to make it more acceptable they're calling it "Organic Birth". Two panelist were from Puerto Rico. They said 48% c-section births there. Interesting fact, two states, NY and Mass, passed laws that require hospitals to give mothers info about the hospital itself (I'll research this more).

The importance of healthy preparation and the 1hr mother/child bonding after birthing was discussed as well as the healing potential for the mother. I believe in pre-conception preparation, including female orgasmic contractions during sex to condition the muscles. A mother who was molested as a child talked about her healing. One mom said she felt the knowledge of how to give birth come into her. Some had previous c-section births and switched. Many said they felt like "goddesses" and "empowered".

For me the movie was "hey this is the way it's supposed to be". I really wanted the babies to be held by their mothers, skin to skin, right after birth. I could feel my skin wanting contact. I feel a heightened sense of universal understanding. I recommend this movie for everyone.

Watching the active role the fathers took was touching. Continuously for hours before birth the fathers affectionately support and comfort their wives. One couple talked about a unique intimacy and bonding that took place. I liked the looks on the father's faces and their comments right after birth. Witnessing miracles can be life changing. I wondered if more couples bonded while sharing this most unique and special moment in time, if their relationships to each other and their children would be better.

BTW I bought the movie if anyone wants to borrow it. It's also on Netflix - 1 month waiting list!

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