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Drunvalo Live Broadcast Changed to July 29th 2009

Event Details

Drunvalo Live Broadcast Changed to July 29th 2009

Time: July 29, 2009 all day
Street: World Wide Web
City/Town: Sedona
Website or Map:
Event Type: world, wide, web, live, internet, broadcast, july, 29th, 2009
Organized By: Drunvalo Melchizedek
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2010

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Event Description

First Broadcast has been changed to July 29, 2009 (formerly May 14, 2009)

For the first time, Drunvalo will begin a live/interactive series of web casts on the subject of higher consciousness and expanding awareness. Just being himself and sharing his experience in spiritual matters, we will all explore the inner worlds of the ancient and modern ways of perceiving the Reality.

His first web cast called THE MAYA OF ETERNAL TIME - 2012 will begin with the realization that everything our modern world knows of the Maya and their knowledge, including the most accurate calendar know to man, did not come from the Maya themselves, but from the modern world – archeologists, universities, governments, researching individuals. The Maya themselves find the interpretation of the Mayan evidence differently then the modern world. How do we know that to be fact?

Because Don Alejandro Cirilo, the living Dali Lama of the Maya, said so, and he is the head of the Mayan Council of Guatemala, which is represented by all 440 Mayan tribes in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, the entire Mayan nation. According to Don Alejandro, a 13th generation Mayan shaman, the Maya have not spoken or written a single word with permission from the Mayan Council in 527 years.

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Comment by Michele Walters on July 29, 2009 at 6:29pm
I have just heard Drunvalo's presentation to the world communicating the Mayan's Sacred Knowledge to the Modern World. To be part of this rememberence of who we are is such a priveledge. My prayer from this is that we may all be able to open and hearts and share the truth and love to each other. Blessings, gratitude and heartfelt thanks to all.

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