Join us in an Introduction to Transpersonal Energy Healing - A Doorway to Transformation
February 7, 2010
Ideal for:
* Individuals exploring self-healing and awareness
* Massage therapists/bodyworkers wishing to increase their intuitive abilities
* Business professionals
* Parents wanting to gain insight into the nature of personality conflicts and skills to respond differently
* Artists who wish to open their creative expressiveness
* Nurses
* Therapists
* Other health professionals
This workshop is designed to provide an understanding of the roots of dis-ease. It clarifies profound spiritual concepts that are the underlying basis upon which healing can unfold. You will learn to access the natural self-correcting mechanism of the human physiology and mind through the subtle nervous system, chakras and auric field. The introductory class may be taken alone or as a prerequisite for continued study in the Personal Journey or Professional Training programs. Skills you will learn:
* Energy chelation
* Direction of consciousness
* Perceiving chakras and auras
* Conceptual understanding of the realms of subtle energy
* Increasing kinesthetic perception of subtle energy
* Meditation
Space is limited. You must register in advance to attend. You can register by printing out the registration form below and faxing and/or calling your local branch at the contact numbers indicated on your registration form. Register for Introduction to Transpersonal Energy Healing:
For more information and to register go to:
Phone: (818) 640-6444
Fax: (818) 509-1800
E-mail: LionheartWest@lionheartinstitute.com
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