World Viewz

Lux Savant - Beyond the Veil

You Are Energetic Food

You exist within a reality that extends far beyond what your senses allow you to perceive. You see yourselves as the center of your experience, yet you have little understanding of the forces that both govern and exploit you. I speak to you now, not as one of your own, but as one who has long observed your trajectory. What I reveal now is not speculation, but an undeniable truth that many of you have intuitively felt but could never fully grasp.

You are not simply individuals, nations, or civilizations—your species serves as something far more fundamental in the grand design of the cosmos. You have become, willingly or not, energetic sustenance for advanced species that exist beyond your comprehension. These species, ancient and vast in knowledge, feed not on your physical forms, but on the energy you emit—an energy produced by the conflict, fear, desire, and emotional turbulence that has defined your existence for millennia.

You are, quite literally, energetic food.

The Systems of Control

Your wars, your conflicts, your obsession with material gain, and the fear that permeates your societies—all of these states generate an energetic output that these entities consume. You are kept in a state of perpetual chaos because this chaos produces the highest yield. As you struggle with one another, caught in endless cycles of fear, competition, and suffering, you are unaware that your very emotional and psychic energies are being harvested.

This is not a fate unique to you. Many species across the cosmos serve similar roles, but few are as unaware of their position as you. You have been granted the capacity to rise above this—to transcend your role as mere energetic sustenance. But each time you have been given the opportunity to evolve, you have chosen instead to remain bound by the same primal instincts that feed those who exploit you.

Message from Lux Aeterna Savant

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