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Need assistance in removing entity from home

I've heard burning sage works. Our dog has been getting spooked at night, we take her outside, and there isn't any other animals disturbing her. She doesn't want to come back in, seems to be afraid our home, goes behind a chair... Here's a picture, she usually isn't afraid of anything.

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Hello Sharon,
I have not long joined this group and came across this call from you. Have you had any assistance with this "problem" yet? If not, I have a little to do with clearing energies from people and places. Seems your pet is , like many, very sensitive to energies of a different vibration. Like us, for the animals it can be confusing to come across this. We used to have a dog, who could sense more going on than just us watching the TV, and especially when I held meditation at my home. But what I did find, was that when there was a certain person present , this person seemed to bring other vibrations, or other energies with them. Now often this can happen because this person, known or unknown to themselves, has an ability to either deal with that energy's situation to help it move on, or this person can take that energy to the person who can help it move on. Hope you can follow this?
Anyway, I have found that an energy can attach itself to a person , who then delivers it to me, and I sense it immediately as it comes in for a specific reason. . to be helped to pass over.
So, perhaps this is what your dog picks up on. Different energies may come and go from your home, or attached to people who go there. I suggest you make a mental note of who has visited each time she acts differently. Perhaps sit and just be still and open to "feel" anything yourself. And perhaps you or someone there can help them move on.
Dogs are really sensitive to slight changes in their energy environments. If the sage doesn't seem to work, which it usually does, it is the intention you put to the task of clearing and freshening and uplifting your space that is most important. I often use sound more these days, as in a bell or gong, or any object that makes a note that is pleasent to the ear, struck in each room. And to be feeling "love" within you is great, because it is actually that which helps them open and "see" more clearly where it is they need to go.
With our dog, we would just reassure him that all was OK, and I would mentally "speak" to the energy (with as little fear from myself as possible, as this can confuse things more) and ask it to move into the light where the other Lightbeings are waiting.
I hope this helps, I would love to hear back from you.
Terri. (Australia)
Thanks for the information. My brother-in-law passed away a few months ago, even though he lived in California, he has visited here many times. Also, my daughter was murdered 10 years ago, not in this home, but she has such a beautiful spirit, I doubt if she would be scaring the dog.. :).


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