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Richard J. Hobin Jr.
  • United States
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About Me:
"The average man acts only if there is a chance for profit.
Warriors act not for profit, but for the spirit." -Don Juan

Warriors come from all places. They spring up from Rainbows to Bodhisattvas from Hippie Samurais to Single-MoM-Warrior-Princesses, and from you and me.
A soldier follows orders, thugs destroy, but Warriors create.
Warriors can create peace, a beautiful painting, music to touch the soul, plant a forest, plant a garden and find goodness in all things.

A Warrior's approach is to say "yes" to life and "yeah" to it all.
-Joseph Cambpell

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Richard J. Hobin Jr.'s Blog

Be Radically Peaceful. Do Yoga OUtside!

I'd like to say thank you to all the courageous people who were at Tower Grove Park on Saturday the August 19th 2009. Openly expressing oneself in public near the bible buckle of St. Louis is no easy feat. It took a warrior's heart to give up time with friends and family to pray in the full-mind-body-breath-spirit-way for Peace. I'm not familiar with the community of Yogis in St. Louis. Living on the other side of the Mississippi, it can be hard to…


Posted on November 4, 2009 at 10:50am

Profit more important than People


It's hard to believe we are such a selfish people. We Americans. We deny each other so much by convincing ourselves that social Darwinism is a good thing as John Spencer would think it was. Again, it looks like Health care will not pass. It's almost unbelievable that it won't happen again. I try to come to terms with it by remembering what I have been told in the Puritan American work ethic. But now, it just pure profit and exploitation on… Continue

Posted on July 14, 2009 at 11:56am


p style="text-align: left;">

Today is 4/20 the day in which millions upon millions of people in the world will roll-up, pack a bowl, or ripp the bong probably more than once. And in commemoration of this day on worldviewz and to educate for some who are "not in the know" of this plant, I'm going to give some fact /myths and history of the plant. I copy/pasted this info from "How Marijuana Became Illegal" by Bud Fairy and the "Myth/Fact" portion is from "The Drug… Continue

Posted on April 20, 2009 at 12:03pm


In Chinese Martial Arts and philosophy the dragon can symbolize many things. It can mean that a dragon is a real creature that once lived or it can mean a creature from another dimension that sometimes touches into our own. The meaning I like the best is that it means the highest point in spirituality at its most creative. The dragon can symbolize creative and spiritual energy as one. When someone learns all the stroke it takes to learn an art, be it… Continue

Posted on February 22, 2009 at 6:30pm



I want to preface all of this praise I'm about to heap on George St-Pierre or GSP (as we in the MMA know like to denote him), that I am a huge BJ Penn fan. If you know nothing about BJ Penn head to YOUTUBE and have at it. You will not be disappointed in my opinion with the highlights you will encounter. However, I am not a fan of trash talking and BJ did a lot of that on the hype show that the SPIKE network showed weeks before the UFC 94… Continue

Posted on February 3, 2009 at 7:29pm

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At 12:51pm on August 4, 2009, Robert Dakota said…

At 12:47pm on August 4, 2009, Robert Dakota said…
Hola Compadre,
Glad you In Joy my work brotha man. Say hello to Tracey and the little ones for me. All the best Peace
At 9:22am on March 4, 2009, Robert Dakota said…
Thank you for the encouragement brotha man.
Would love to have you all some time.
It would be great fun to create a healers gather in Sedona.
What say you?
At 4:17pm on February 19, 2009, Robert Dakota said…
V for victory dude not hallmark I thought you might vibe on that.
At 10:24am on January 7, 2009, Robert Dakota said…
Thanks for Richie for the kind words and for the beautiful people
you and Tracey remind are out there!
At 11:02am on January 5, 2009, Robert Dakota said…
Thanks Bro!
I Love you too! I know you are a lucky bastard as well.
Thank you Richie for being all that you are I miss your friendship.
I want to create a gathering in Sedona maybe we can get you all out here then.
My heart & love is with you.

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