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steven weiss
  • 73, Male
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • United States
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About Me:
i realized that everything below relates a lot to what-i-do-what-i-have-done-what-i-have-become-through-the-doing...and i want to rectify that by saying something about and bowing to who i am irrespective of what i do: i am addicted to the search for the Unity behind all things. phenomena, and sensations, from that "upstream" Unity place there is such Clarity, Wisdom, Power, Stillness, Healing..non-doing. non-becoming...closer to Creator/Goddess/Spirit?Source! THAT is who i am and what my Journey is be able to hold that and function in a dualistic juggling or something or trying to hold a huge infinite Paradox or Mystery, whether in Ceremony, music, art, healing, teaching/training, walking in the mountains, or playing with my cats.. anyway...i bow to all of you and to this Circle!

* founder and medical director of the medicine lodge clinic

* founder of the altar of creation school (i train healthcare practitioners to become healers and healers to ground more into the physical body). we are kind of embryonic as a community: there are 22 graduates of the 5 year training who have been continuing to work and study with me for 3 additional years, and one new Circle in its 2nd year...and i am beginning 2 new training Circles in the Fall of 2009- 1 in Santa Fe and one East in the Hudson River valley north of New york City. it is all based upon a system that emerged as i struggled to help people heal after 9/11, when nobody really responded to the things i was doing that used to be so successful!
if this story intrigues you check out the website.

* visionary and pioneer in healing, healer training, and clinical problem-solving systems.

* osteopath evolved into healer/sacred geometer/pratitioner of energy medicine and Spritual/Physical Law

* found myself "taken in" and adopted as a child to the Zuni bear clan and by a traditional zuni family (that has been half of my life!)

* musician (mostly traditional/celtic- many many years harmonica, 5 string banjo, piano, and native flute)- have performed pretty extensively solo as well as in a bunch of different bands over the years, sculptor, traveler, lover of the Spirit of Nature

*city-bound for many years- vibrate with the energies of the high country of Colorado Plateau around Santa Fe, New Mexico up into the Southern Rockies.
* i bow deeply to the overwhelming Blessings and Beauty of this Earthwalk!

i like to bow a lot. it reminds me of something important.
Website: (my school)

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At 3:35pm on December 4, 2008, Eliza said…
Hi Steven,
WOW! Quite a ride on this journey of life! Blesings to you that you had courage to stand by your convictions and lead the charge into the western model of healing and to inroduce a new way. I study transpersonal counselling and I can tell you people receive me and my practices in intersting ways! i know now to stand in my truth of my ancient linage and be my potential. and as you said the insideous ego can create quite an illusion for us! I question my inner knowing constantly and constantly challenge myself for the truth no mater how hard that may be!!
Welcome to the community you are definately NOT alone in this journey any more.GOOD LUCK with the school!
At 11:19am on November 9, 2008, Robert Dakota said…
Thanks Steven,

for participating in this emerging common~unity.

Thanks for what you do!


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