World Viewz

Cher Lyn's Blog (7)

The Vision

Oh yes and of 'this' I sing and the siren sings the same song ... then together we link our worlds to the Heavens and bridge the rainbows Light. I love to paint and play and pray...... I dream to make it come again Our New World where all is High Light, unprecedented to any memory for many lives. I glimpsed through the veil once in a vision. Through an open doorway in the sky… I saw us in the distant present past and in the future worlds... doing ceremony for this moment in time to wake… Continue

Added by Cher Lyn on March 4, 2009 at 9:13pm — 1 Comment

Snowflower Hummingbird

After a beautiful magical snow fall on the Full Moon in Sedona... a Hummingbird seen on the next day, never seen this before in February!

Added by Cher Lyn on February 16, 2009 at 9:31am — 2 Comments

Dream Alive

I wanted to share a dream I had on Nov. 1, 2008. I believe in dreams and pay great respect to them as they have proven to me prolifically prophetic in the past.

My dream showed me this movement of Green groups taking hold sooner and quicker than any of us expected. Success of all the green groups, young and old people, mainstream religious organizations, high-tech businesses, a new green collar economy is here! That once looming battle for a viable economy and a livable planet is… Continue

Added by Cher Lyn on November 7, 2008 at 10:30am — No Comments

Sun Dog over Sedona

A Message in the Sky

The language of Nature speaks in mysterious ways to those who listen. This story is one of those magical experiences that was gifted to me while I was painting on the majestic Goddess Pele’.

One sunny morning, I had been preparing to paint on my canvas through a ceremonial connection to the Hawaiian Goddess Pele’. I went out onto my deck to greet the Sun and offer up my prayers and there it was, as I opened the door to the omen in the sky, gazing… Continue

Added by Cher Lyn on October 16, 2008 at 2:57pm — No Comments

The Wren

I was sitting out in nature yesterday, before my meditation thinking about some seriously troublesome emails I read the day before, about our country and their fear-based solutions for survival. I am grateful to know what others are feeling so I can direct my prayers; still so much fear/anger in the quest for freedom and peace is not the answer. My thoughts lead me to feel the love that needs to be placed here, focusing on what I/we choose to create now for our new Earth, not what fear and… Continue

Added by Cher Lyn on October 10, 2008 at 12:32pm — No Comments

Honouring the New Moon

The New Moon has always been a powerful time of the month for indigenous peoples of the Earth, for planting seeds, not only seeds of nourishment but seeds of change, seeds of new beginnings and new life.

I honour this energy through my vessel in the spirit of my art, crystals, praying on the land... in the mountains... with the Trees in the meadows... for the water... for the children... Playing with the Faeries, the seen and unseen Beings of Light and magic... this is where I can… Continue

Added by Cher Lyn on August 28, 2008 at 10:37am — No Comments

Today I AM...

I AM Creation’s Child of the High Light humbly serving as a vessel for the flow of Divine inspiration, channeling truths and reflections that inspire people seeking to remember. My inspirations come forth from echoes in the spirit of my ancestors' of the Stars - Afro – Celtic – American Indian blood lineage. the Elemental realm, the Deva's Spirits Medicine, the Heart of Mother Earth. I feel like it is time to make amends for the hurts and bring awareness to the travesty all Indigenous peoples… Continue

Added by Cher Lyn on August 25, 2008 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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