World Viewz

Humankind has got to get down to its own business and choose itself—and the Global Cooperative Forum is the means to do that.
1.52 Humankind needs to be relieved of the burden of its past, and step beyond its past, like a butterfly out of a cocoon, or like a snake shedding its skin.
1.53 The self-ordering system of humankind must be free to put itself in order. Humankind will self-organize itself if it is free to do so, and it must no longer be prohibited from so doing by the separatist factionalisms of the “tribal” mind.
1.54 “Not-two” is peace. “Not-two” is prior unity. Conversely, “two” is separateness, prior dis-unity, “difference”, otherness, competitiveness, opposition, confrontation, chaos, and war.
1.55 In the “room” of humankind as a whole, the “room” of everybody-all-at-once, there is no “two”—there are no “flags”, no religions, and there is no “self”-imagery that may be exclusively asserted. Rather, humankind must simply represent itself, and get together to create a new global domain for human existence. This is the great project.

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