Lemurian Reactivation Tour to Egypt 9th- 24th November, 2009

Dear Ones, There will be a Lemurian Reactivation Tour to Egypt. I am sorry for the short notice for those precious hearts who feel that more preparation time is needed for a journey like that. I would like to assure you that this date has been chosen carefully and this journey has to happen now. A huge amount of light will enter to our solar system on 11th of November. Our journey will start with the Third Worldwide Lemurian Reactivation Ceremony as a private gathering in the Great Pyramid in the early morning on this special date, the 11th of November, 2009. (11/11/11). Our group with the help of our Lemurian Masters and the Ascended Masters who are here with us to assist the Ascension process both on personal and planetary levels will create a Sacred Path for the entering Diamond Light. We will create a pattern together which will run through the planet , strengthening our Lemurian Web of Light through the hearts and through the Christ Consciousness Grid. This special Lemurian ceremony will be followed by an amazing journey through Egypt, following the sacred path of the ancient initiation journeys. Aswan, Philae The temple of Isis, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Dendera, The Hathor temple, Abydos, the Osireon just mentioning a few of those sacred sites which will be visited. Seven Sacred Temples will be connected back to its ancient Lemurian crystalline twins. All these sacred venues have a strong ancient connection to the Divine Feminine, through our reactivation ceremonies this vibration will be awakened, bringing back the ancient power and light which emanated once through these sacred monuments. We will spend extra time in the Valley of the Kings, let ourselves feel the vibration of the wisdom of those times with no rush jut to open ourselves and feel their timeless message for humanity. We will have our sacred walk through the temples of Karnak and Luxor . And we will visit the symbol of Lemurian heritage in the ruins of Tel al Amarna, the palace of the once - for a short period - highly respected heretic pharaoh Akhenaton and of course her mysterious mother Queen Tiye. She was one of those who kept alive the wisdom of Lemuria with immortal beauty, grace and wisdom. One more surprise at the end for those who feel to experience something really unique. We will have a three days long extension to Mount Sinai, visiting the St Catherine Monastery, an other very sacred place of the eternal Divine Feminine, plus we will visit a unique site after spending the night in the desert, the Cave of Hathor, which hold a strong unique vibration for the open hearted seekers and 'awakeners' . Two weeks in one of the most ancient sites carrying strong and dormant (yet) Lemurian vibration. Isn't it amazing? If you feel to be with us on this most unique Lemurian Reactivation Journey please send an email for the detailed program to LemurianawakeningEgyt@gmail. com or visit our website www.LemurianAwakening.com One Heart Production with the precious help of Diane Cooper, who organizes Drunvalo Melchizedek 's journeys will help us to be this Lemurian Tour to Egypt indeed one of a kind. Love from my heart, Kata
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