World Viewz

Scorpio Full Moon Sedona May 8 9:03pm

This Full Moon meeting takes place May 9 (London 5:03 a.m.,
Switzerland 6:03 a.m., Moscow 8:03 a.m., Auckland 4:03 p.m.
and Sedona already May 8 at 9:03 p.m.) So find the time when
it is ok for you to connect with the family.

And what kind of Full Moon is it this time? ..... Scorpio........
huuuuu. I always smile because so many people don't like this
zodiak sign. Well Scorpio is an intensive energy, a lot of power
that does not want anything else. That's why astrologers bring
Scorpio in contact with sexuality. But it is also the zodiak sign
of shamanism, something that regains power in these times.
Scorpio goes deep into the "dark", releases secrets and taboos.
That is why I see this zodiak sign as very real and genuine. Do
you feel me.....not powerlessness or manipulation or control....
real and genuine and deep -- powerful to change any kind of

Sexuality might be a topic of this Full Moon anyhow, because
we have a Mars/Venus conjuntion and Mars is also connected
with Lilith (primary or basic female goddess power). But it has
to happen with equal of same rights, if not we have the fight
between patriarchy and matriarchy. Do we still need that, I
don't think so.

This Full Moon is however also connected with Neptune,
Chiron and Jupiter. I see the combination of the three celestial
bodies together with spiritual development, experiences of
consciousness, integral/entire/holistic percecption. Energies/
forces such as telepathy, dreams, channeling experiences can
be an issue. You see this is some kind of magic combination --
and it will last basically the whole year well into 2010. Maybe
I am going to write a bit more sometime abouth this.

So have fun and enjoy this Full Moon and we three like to
connect to all of you all over the world.

Love and hugs


Silvan, Rita and Paloma Marama

Views: 44

Tags: 2007, Aotearoa, Drunvalo, Full, Heart, Journey, Moon, New, One, Waitaha, More…Zealand, family, meditation


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