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About Me:
Robert Berman HA’a
Born in Philadelphia, PA USA on January 11th 1958

Educated by Nature, while reconnecting with the elements of the earth.

Shaman Intuitive Life coach who works as a healer in many facets from Sound and Voice Color Healing to his divine love as a vocalist for singing Ethereal opera and Native chanting.

Photographer of the Amazing DVD “Sacred Water” Displaying incredible images from the spirit world of water. Author of several books ~ He Telepathically communicates with animals and works as a personal tour guide reconnecting us back into nature.

Teachers are those who can take complex ideas or concepts and explain them in ways that make them simple, uncomplicated, and easy to understand. This is the gift that HA’a has to share with the world.
Humanity has reached a place in time where the collective consciousness is now awakening. President Bush along with all those he has been associated with over the past 8 years, has taken the United States to a place where it had no choice other then to awaken. All I can say is, thank you Mr. Bush for helping to awaken this country.

I do believe that it is going to ( appear ) to be getting worse before it looks any better.
As a metaphor, it’s like sweeping a floor, all the dust appears in the air as one sweeps the floor, It appears to be getting worse but actually it’s getting better.

If you see the world from your mind it does not work. If you see the world with the your eyes of spirit, then you may see all that is now taken place In the United States is truly as a blessing. It is taking each of us to a place where we are forced to slow down and begin to see again what is truly important. Yes many are going to a place of fear as our ego’s would have us do. The question is, are you still a slave onto your ego?

America the land of the Beautiful, the land of the Brave and the land of the Free, has come to a place where we will remember now what is important. That we our GODs children and his will ~ will be done on earth as it is in heaven. The walls of illusion are now falling and those who are able to see with the eyes of spirit may see all of this as a blessing.

Madness on our planet has been here way too long. Now its time to rebuild a world that works. Before we can do this, we need to disassemble the old one first. This is what is now taking place,
President Elect Obama is the holder of the Water according to Hopi GOD. Water is what purifies.

We have reached a place where the old ways of doing things will no longer work. America as a county has become very confused with what to do next. This is because its not to be found in the mind, the answers that we are looking for lays within our spirit of our hearts.

Believing that giving an industry 34 billion dollars that does not work to stay in business is flushing hard earned tax payer money down the toilet. Yes, I believe that it will keep many of the hard working people their jobs for a short time. But very, very soon they will have to awaken to the truth that change has now come. The day of greed has reached its end. The day of holding a belief that the mind is in charge has come to an end. We have never truly been in charge. It’s always been the heart of GODs will.

The day to begin again is here now

Stay in your heart and be grateful for all that you have, forgive Everyone and most of all forgive yourselves for ever losing sight on what is truly important.
That (( Love )) (( is )) (( real )). And now anything that is not love is falling away.

The time of the world as we have known it is coming to an end. It’s important to focus upon what kind of world you want to live in now. Build it in your heart and then see it in your mind and it will become. Each of us are made in the image of GOD ~ each of us are great Creators. If love is the world that you wish to live in, then be love ~ for all that comes to you and all that comes from you.

Written by Robert Berman HA'a

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At 6:02pm on June 26, 2010, Solei Costa said…
I am impressed! This is a wonderful work and you are a lucky blessed being
for having these amazing experiences. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed reading your
site and seeing the photos, it gives so much hope for the times we are living now.
Many blessings to you!

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