Rehabilitated sea turtles return to the wild in Florida:
Photos by Joe Raedle / Getty Images
People watch as one of two loggerhead sea turtles are released back into the wild, March 13, 2012, at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park after they underwent rehabilitation at Miami Seaquarium. The two loggerhead sea turtles weighing in at 90 lbs and 125 lbs were both found weak in the wild, covered in parasites and struggling with buoyancy issues.
A youngster with the Miami Seaquarium Spring Break Campers group gets a chance to touch one of two loggerhead sea turtles.
AP reports that
two federally protected loggerhead sea turtles are heading back to the ocean after weeks of rehabilitation at the Miami Seaquarium.
The two 10-year-old female turtles were released Tuesday morning at Bill Baggs State Park on Key Biscayne, Fla.
:::: Experts said the spiders may be spinning the sticky webs to help them survive ::::
Thousands of spiders have cast eerie webs over vast areas of flood-hit Australia after being forced to seek shelter by the rising waters, Reuters reports. Experts said the spiders may be spinning the sticky webs to help them survive the deluge...
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Lindsey Williams to
Environment |
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Things you can do from here:
Oh, I'll be doing this more often ...roasting garlic ...well, maybe more bachelor DIY cooking ideas too ....have to work on that ....maybe that would give me a good reason to cook
Ok here it is -
Garlic on a cooking sheet
Extra virgin olive oil
Into a pre-heated oven @450*
Wait like forever ......for it to look just right
Lastly ...don't wait till it cools've waited too long as it is ...
It's much better extremely hot anyway .....enjoy !!
My new favorite
Tiny House,
The Roundhouse. Created by
Cae Mabon’s Retreat Centre in North Wales.
...very cool, the design was inspired by the buildings built by the ancient people who had inhabited this area 3000 years before. I not only love how it's connected with ancient peoples, I also love the pure
earthen, natural building technique.
Read More About
The Cae Mabon Retreat Centre in North Wales has been building small,
natural dwellings for their residents and visitors since 1989. This intentional community is located in the best of what nature can offer: in the woods, by a river, near a lake, at the foot of the mountains and within sight of the sea.
Cae Mabon’s principal creator is Eric Maddern, who was inspired to create the community after spending time with the Aboriginal people in Alice Springs, Australia. He wanted to create a place that was not the ostentatious beauty of the wealthy but the humble beauty of the simple and
natural. The buildings he created are mostly made from timber, stone, reed, straw, grass, lime and clay and they blend in with their surroundings.
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Did you just move here? I have been up here for 14 years. I do love it up here, but it has changed over the years.
I hope you are enjoying it here.