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  • Radine!
  • Illusionsintime
  • Deborah Klepsch
  • HA'a
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  • Nyako Nakar
  • priscilla wolf
  • Yelena Chizhik
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  • Whitefeather
  • Pauline z Lund
  • Yanusz Gilewicz
  • Chelsea Higholt

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Nature Gif - Under the Milkyway

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Rehabilitated sea turtles return to the wild in Florida

Rehabilitated sea turtles return to the wild in Florida:

people helping loggerhead turtles return to sea
Photos by Joe Raedle / Getty Images

People watch as one of two loggerhead sea turtles are released back into the wild, March 13, 2012, at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park after they underwent rehabilitation at Miami Seaquarium. The two loggerhead sea turtles weighing in at 90 lbs and 125 lbs were both found weak in the wild, covered in parasites and struggling with buoyancy issues.
turtles return to sea
A youngster with the Miami Seaquarium Spring Break Campers group gets a chance to touch one of two loggerhead sea turtles.
AP reports that two federally protected loggerhead sea turtles are heading back to the ocean after weeks of rehabilitation at the Miami Seaquarium.
The two 10-year-old female turtles were released Tuesday morning at Bill Baggs State Park on Key Biscayne, Fla.

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Spiders quick to rebuild

:::: Experts said the spiders may be spinning the sticky webs to help them survive ::::

Thousands of spiders have cast eerie webs over vast areas of flood-hit Australia after being forced to seek shelter by the rising waters, Reuters reports. Experts said the spiders may be spinning the sticky webs to help them survive the deluge...
Submitted by Lindsey Williams to Environment  |   Note-it!  |   Add a Comment


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DIY Bachelor Cooking | roasting garlic

Oh, I'll be doing this more often ...roasting garlic ...well, maybe more bachelor DIY cooking ideas too ....have to work on that ....maybe that would give me a good reason to cook

garlic on cooking sheet before roasting by artist Rickbischoff

Ok here it is -

Garlic on a cooking sheet

Extra virgin olive oil

Into a pre-heated oven @450*

Wait like forever ......for it to look just right

Lastly ...don't wait till it cools've waited too long as it is ...
It's much better extremely hot anyway .....enjoy !!

garlic on cooking sheet after roasting by artist Rickbischoff

Round Tiny House Cae Mabon Retreat

My new favorite Tiny House, The Roundhouse. Created by Cae Mabon’s Retreat Centre in North Wales.
natural building earthen tiny house
...very cool, the design was inspired by the buildings built by the ancient people who had inhabited this area 3000 years before. I not only love how it's connected with ancient peoples, I also love the pure earthen, natural building technique.

Read More About
The Cae Mabon Retreat Centre in North Wales has been building small, natural dwellings for their residents and visitors since 1989. This intentional community is located in the best of what nature can offer: in the woods, by a river, near a lake, at the foot of the mountains and within sight of the sea.

Cae Mabon’s principal creator is Eric Maddern, who was inspired to create the community after spending time with the Aboriginal people in Alice Springs, Australia. He wanted to create a place that was not the ostentatious beauty of the wealthy but the humble beauty of the simple and natural. The buildings he created are mostly made from timber, stone, reed, straw, grass, lime and clay and they blend in with their surroundings.

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Artist / Designer of Rustic Contemporary Spirit
...on a journey to discover The Human Potential

The rustic nature connects to Earth, keeping us grounded, as contemporary consciousness evolves. Expanded awareness identifies spirit, as unity of all.


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At 11:43am on July 18, 2009, Illusionsintime said…
Hello Mr.Rickbischoff, glade that you found my page.
At 10:50am on July 18, 2009, Radine! said…
Namaste~ Thank you for the greeting and sharing -- can't remember at this second where I got the link but am thankful for our connection today. (My settings aren't allowing me to see what you sent though on the comment page so may I have a link or is it the 311 song?) BLisSings, Radine!

At 10:42pm on May 21, 2009, Angela Greco said…
Checked out your website and was impressed by your artwork! Will have to post some of mine here soon.

At 6:31pm on April 3, 2009, Pauline z Lund said…
Hi Rick, a friend sent me this site, and I joined last week. not to sure what it's all about yet, then you showed up.
Did you just move here? I have been up here for 14 years. I do love it up here, but it has changed over the years.
I hope you are enjoying it here.
At 9:02am on April 3, 2009, Whitefeather said…
Hello Rickbischoff, looks a great site doesnt it ? ! looking forward to exploring it more. Great to meet new people on the same sort of path. Many brigth blessings to you, Whitefeather

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Rickbischoff's Blog

On twitter??, RT #PASSthePEACEtorchRT



...ok this is an idea to bring awareness of

our potential to evolve into Global Unity

my intention is for this tweet " RT #PASSthePEACEtorchRT " to

be passed, retweeted, indefinitely, to bring awareness to Our potential

please RT and track #PASSthePEACEtorchRT often

to get it going.

we can do this together

example to retweet: RT @someone… Continue

Posted on July 21, 2009 at 12:58pm

Its Earth Day, Lets Celebrate !!

Its Earth Day, Lets celebrate. In the near future I hope this day becomes as important to the masses as days like christmas, easter, halloween, ect. instead of another day to go buy stuff and celebrate that days mascot, we could collectively ( expressing Oneness ) give to our planet the types of gifts she would and could appriciate, like clean up, plant, love each other, take a brake from destructive habits at the very least. This is our Planet, the only one we have; not only that our physical… Continue

Posted on April 22, 2009 at 10:16am

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About Me:
Artist / Designer, creative and co-creator, developing my human potential.
Rustic Contemporary Spirit
live the human potential, as family with all life.

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