Blessings to you,
Para Pachamama ~ Spirit of Earth has been asked to assist in broadcasting for the important Elder Gathering soon taking place in Colombia.
On behalf of the Arhuaco and Kogi Mamos, Elders from all over the world have been asked or know themselves that they need to be part of this Gathering.
We are ever so grateful and humbled to be asked and be able to assist our “Elder Brothers” in Colombia, in a way that is integral, open and from the Heart.
Trusting that Spirit will provide for the needs that this Gathering has, we as Para Pachamama, are reaching out to you to allow us to reach further into Networks across the Earth.
We trust and believe that together we all play a role in the unfolding of this time and know that our joined efforts combined will truly assist in what is asked for in this Elder Gatheringin Colombia.
Please, watch and listen to Drunvalo Melchizedek as he explains the quest f... for this Gathering that is taking place in Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.
We are deeply thankful for your efforts in sharing this message with yor Networks and trust that you understand the intention and urgency of our much needed assistance to this Gathering.
To learn more about our support for the Arhuacos and Kogi Mamos of Colombia and the role that they have for our Earth
We thank you for your understanding, support and hearts' resonance, and welcome any feedback on your behalf,
Sjoerd Aardema
Co Founder of Para Pachamama ~ Spirit of Earth
Para Pachamama ~ Spirit of Earth is a Never for Profit Intentional Support Initiative that promotes, supports, strengthens, runs activation campaigns and broadcasts for Global Elder Gatherings, the Wisdom of the Ancient Ones and shares the message of the Global Shift in Consciousness with the wider community on Planet our Earth.
© 2025 Created by Robert Dakota.
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