World Viewz

"The Return of The Ancient Golden Star Seed"

Is this Magic, or just a Dream to Awake Me!
Paimarire(Good Peace) and Blessings to Our World Whanau(Family)!
16.11.2009....Monday nite, in our Ngahere(Forest); 27-30 of our wonderful whanau,community here in Aotearoa(New Zealand); gathered, holding hands in a Cirlce of Love; to Powhiri(Welcome), "The Ancient Golden Star Seed" Ship, that we were So Blessed to receive, here! We were directed by the 'Star Elders', to place 9 candles in a Mandala! Before each person entered the clearing "Glade", they were Blessed with water, although it was dark when we went in; the whole area became light enough to see where we were walking! We begun with Karakia(Prayer) and opened up to the rest of our whanau(who were from many nationalities); to feel and focus on the love and to freely share their gifts! So, we were blessed with Waiata(song), Chanting, Toning and Light Language! Thus it was very shortly after the sharing of the Light Language, and the Karanga(Welcome Call), that Our Divine Whanau arrived! I sobbed with soft tears of Aroha for I saw the Beautiful Phoenix,,send up furling spirals of pink-red flames, to cushion the "Golden Ancient Star Seed"(Egg shape)! They, came with Love, to help us Ascend, the World has now been Permeated with a "Light" that will continue to 'grow brighter' until the Brightest Day! Imagination will now increase "More", thus opening up, our Consciousness "More"! The Lemurians who came on board with many other Divine Beings, that we term as extra terrestials, assist us in accordance with the Eternal Law of "Free Will"!
Also, the "Terrestaro Whanau" here; who wish us to call them such; however many know them as the'Middle Earth Beings', have been joined by 500 more of their whanau, who came on the ship (they were depleted to 500, due to us, humans encroaching on their natural habitat of the ngahere! So, now its up to us to ensure, that they "Live" and are no longer threatened with extinction! The Queen of the Terrestaros, has asked me to "Let the World Know",,,that they exist. aand she asked me ..."Can you let them know, that we have love too and we would love them(our community here), to come and talk with them and play with them too! The Queen says they have whanau all around the world and would love to link up with them too(at least by letting the rest of our human whanau know that these Divine little Beings do exist in their backyard ngahere too! Before the landing, only my children could see and talk with them, however, now, due to the 'Permeating Light' ,Lighting up our Imagination; I can, now see and mindtalk with them too! Celebrate! Get used to it. becos, the ship took back up with it; a lot of the lower vibrations and poisons!
We are in the Golden Era and now our Divine selves can and will collectively focus and 'Consciously Create ,our Divine World, as brother Bob sings "Like It Was In the Beginning, One Love, One Heart; Lets Get Together and Feel Allright...Give Thanks and Praise to The Lord and We Will Be Allright!"
We Live In a Blessed Time My Dear Worlwide Whanau! We are Magical Divine Beings, Blessed with Ascended Divine Beings, who have Ascended, to give us "A Helping Hand!" Joy&Celebration Vibes, attract our Divine Gifts, even more! I have been asked to share this Blessed Event&these Sacred Divine Beings with the World, and I do so without ego, nor any intent for fame or fortune; for I am as you, A Divine Being, 'On The Hikoi'(journey), wherein, like you; I am in transit; experiencing the 'flows' of this life; which have led me to this 'Magical Magnificent Stream of Divineness"! The 'Star Elders" tell me that it is time now for me to Share their 'Lovelight' to the World and I do so with Blessed Gratitude and Humility; to share 'Their Wisdom&Love'! Arohanui kia Koutou Katoa, Nga Mihi Ki Te Kaihanga o Nga Mea Kato;, Io Mata Ngaro, me Nga Atua Katoa, me Nga Anahera Pono, a rire, rire Hau Paimarire! Kirar Taraishia(Ancient Star Name)

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Blessed Sister, Thankyou for Being So Tuned In! Arohanui!
thank you
Thank you too; and especially our Angels and Star Elders, for sharing such Enlightenment for us All! Blessings!
I feel you and I am grateful for the message you deliver. I too have seen the Tollilaqui, the Beings of Light we are co-creating with for the betterment of All.
Blessings,,,the dimensions are now, more visible to us; as we allow our Divinity to Be! And So We Are, And So It Is! Paimarire Beings of Light!
Channeled Message I received wondering if relates to your message (not making sense of all, however the four tribes or gold leaf tribe reminded me of the Inca's): "Shuttles of gold ships are joining in patterns across the path of the seven. Don’t allow the destruction of the gold leaf tribe as they are joining all four tribes for banding and constitution of the nations of tribes. Actions speak louder than words when handling the action of hearts of the light seed ships. Charters of world naviagation slows down the endless travel of the ship crew".
Kiaora Janice... Amazingly...Ive just read your message now! Had I read it earlier; I wouldnt have made the connections! I do see and understand where your message is being directed to! With such Matariki Magic; still ongoing in the Ethers...there are strong indications of these 'happenings'; due to manifest very soon; certainly before the end of 2010! Blessings dear...for sharing!


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